[-] IntwadHelck@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 4 points 9 months ago

Woah. Do u know if this paper talks about, or speculates on how large the interest is, serving the perpetuation of the perceived need for beneficial ownership via Cede and Co. (too ironic right?)?

I don’t have hard sources, but it seems very clear that basically in the 60’s, majority of ownership (80/20) of securities was via individuals. By the time the 80s came along, it flipped to institutional ownership being strong majority. Makes u wonder y the wealth gap takes off exponentially once institutions took over majority of ownership? Also, it can basically be traced that this evolution of ownership and networks of institutional middle-men was cooked up by BCG in the 60s. The beginning of BCG and the likes earning their place as some of the most powerful worst of the worst.

Also points to y one of the big 5 banks is on record basically threatening a smaller company that found an angle to making share-lending more ‘fair’ ‘transparent’ etc. “hey, it’s a good business idea, and totally legal to try to shake up the industry. But I’d have someone else start my car from now on”……I’m paraphrasing, and would have to dig to find the exact real happening.

But the point is that the interest to keep things only beneficially owned by individuals is most likely the only real reason we don’t see proper change back to individual ownership (for lack of better words). It’s my opinion that majority institutional ownership is the bread-and-butter to all financial market corruption via ‘this is what enables the club to move markets however they want whenever they want’ essentially.

Things have already been feeling spicy….fun!

!! Book em dano!

Part of me liked the heat lamp theory, part of me didn’t. I prefer simpler. At a certain point, if 80% are in book and 20% are in plan, but cuz of loopholes 80% are reported as owned by the dtcc….that’s gonna get blown up/ won’t hold up. Part of it felt like a cointel situation, by putting in large grains of truth and then twisting it into this ultimate spin unnecessarily to actually hurt the book is better convo. Thoughts?

Here’s some good info regarding the plan for more and more control, part of why the DTC began in the first place come early 70’s…pages 17-20 help show something I’ve been squeaking about for a while: it’s no coincidence the wealth gap takes off exponentially come the 80’s…..once the institutions centralized and gained control over….everything….they could really start their shenanigans: https://books.google.com/books?id=xyzEiM1WVnYC&pg=PA12#v=onepage&q&f=false

Love it. Thx for resharing.

Hellll yeah, love these thoughts….

Many of ur concerns are not legitimate. They’re made-up stuff from ur seemingly odd perspective for someone who threw their life savings into this; hence it equating to boohooing, rather than true concern. I understand if ur emotions are blinding u to the irrationality of much of what u listed being concerned about…..but I’m not buying it. Apologies if u r being real and just that unhinged right now, but it’s very hard to believe for someone who has their life savings in this. Just my 2 cents.

Yeah buddy! Not only do they get all the fiat you use to purchase your shares, but they also then get more variations of the shares you buy because it’s not like those shares are leaving elsewhere really to go to you….they were most likely proofed out of thin air and now there’s even more stuff on their books to play with.

Real news, no drama…..I’m falling in love. Thx op. Maybe getting banned and forced to find new is the way! Lol

Makes me think how about how many bots and fake apes there really r…..I imagine there’s a ton of baby apes too who have bought some GME in their broker or robinhood/cash app and participate in the Reddit communities more for social interaction than actually being a part of the play on any sort of serious level

[-] IntwadHelck@lemmy.whynotdrs.org 5 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

I guess the big boys are finally starting to not buy each other’s crap because they know another suckafish isn’t coming along to make profit off of….makes me think it’s the greater fool theory far and wide in so many business models or just in general for majority of business these days…..and the bag holders getting closer to being screwed!

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