Also use the salted butter to leave out. It keeps better and tastes better too.
High scores runs are for people who want to optimize the fun out of the game.
Then there are fun things for everyone else.
No shareholders if you aren't publicly owned. Stakeholders, yeah probably, but no shareholders.
If the timer runs out, the pelican is called automatically. It doesn't matter if you are out of range in this way.
It's a tax break for corporations, and bulk sales to companies is easier for health care providers than working with individuals. The squeeze comes together after a time.
Depends on the project. If it's for fun, sure make all the square wheels you want and learn how to make them round. But if you just want your project to work you'd find something to use. Really depends on the developers goals.
How much does sleep and dreaming contribute to this? Have you looked into how humans dream compared to other animals? Any papers to point to?
Pepe the frog is from the Boys Club, a comic or children's book; I don't know, it just had a couple talking animals. The first picture of him with the feels good man caption was very silly and took off from there. Unfortunately pepe became a hate symbol after 15 years.
This is a good book I read not long ago. Improv(e) Your Conversations: Think on Your Feet, Witty .... It's not a long book and an enjoyable read. Each chapter takes a few minutes to read.
My take away from the book is to find what the other parties want to talk about and get them to talk about it. Also that controversial topics generally make conversations more memorable and form more intimate relationships.
What helps me is asking Copilot to try doing it. When it spits out garbage; if it hits any of my targets I can tune it from there.
We are still workshopping the kiss one. That wolf is still working it's way in.
It's generally known that the economy growth slows under Republican administrations. US Economic Performance by Presidential Party
If you are pessimistic about the next 4 years, you may want to adjust your stocks for more cash reserves and/or rebuy into necessity stocks (food, utilities, etc)
Interestingly, the Wikipedia article notes good stock market returns under Rep. President + Rep. Congress. So take it or leave it.