[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 6 points 9 months ago

Gut dass ein Lastenrad keine Inspektionskosten und Wertverlust hat.

Ganz ohne den Vergleich in Frage stellen zu wollen, sollte man vielleicht bei den Parametern zumindest fair bleiben.

Und ein Lastenrad für 39€? Im Monat? Für 5 Jahre?

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 35 points 10 months ago

As a German, it's hard to imagine that the German rental model is an improvement to anything. It's horrible. Private landlords honestly stuck even more than corporate ones. Lots of people who feel entitled to put whatever restrictions they want on tenants, regardless of the law. Racism/favorism are rampant, people are literally paying for appointments to just look at apartments and also to be favored in the selection process.

It's bad.

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 6 points 11 months ago

Mach mal n Abstecher rĂĽber nach Lemmygrad, da macht man wirklich keinen Hehl daraus wie sehr der Angriff von Hamas gefeiert wird.

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 4 points 11 months ago

Was wäre denn meine Alternative? Selbst wenn ich die ganze Musik die ich gerne höre lokal speichern würde, ist es trotzdem ziemlich cool auf Spotify einfach mal in was Neues reinzuhören.

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 25 points 11 months ago

Ich schätze mal damit ist gemeint, dass die Punkte die Menschen die Fleisch essen immer vorgeworfen werden, auch in der vegetarischen Ernährung enthalten sind. Tierquälerei, Umweltverschmutzung etc.

Der "payoff" bei einer rein pflanzlichen Ernährung wahre eben dass diese nahezu völlig eliminiert bzw. im Vergleich zur vegetarischen Ernährung massiv verringert werden.

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 32 points 11 months ago

"Hi ich habe seit Tagen Symptome XYZ, könnte ich einen Termin bei ihnen bekommen?"

"Waren sie schon mal hier?"

"Nein, war ich nicht."

"Sorry wir nehmen zur Zeit keine Neukund- äh Patienten auf."

"Ich bin ĂĽbrigens privatversichert."

"Passts ihnen in ner halben Stunde?"

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 17 points 1 year ago

Or just you know, all of the above :)

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 5 points 1 year ago

So you bar people from expressing their religion so they don't get bullied? Absolute gigabrain move.

"Should we punish the bullies? Maybe take measures so the teachers know how to better deal with conflict? No. Let's punish the kids getting bullied by taking away their right to express their religion. Surely the bullies won't find anything else to bully these kids."

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 3 points 1 year ago

Sorry to burst your bubble, but people in other countries (like Germany) where they are allowed to display religious symbols are able to bond just fine. If you can't "bond" with someone because they're wearing a cross on a chain or cover their head with religious clothing, that sounds like a you-issue. Regardless of why they practice their religion, it's not up to you or the state to tell them how to practice it. Sure some are forced into it by their parents, but banning religious symbols in schools isn't going to fix that. What it does do however, is stop students from practicing a religion they freely chose.

This law is made by people who are intimidated by things they don't understand and that probably have their roots in racism and islamophobia.

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 20 points 1 year ago

So much for freedom of religion.

"When you walk into a classroom, you shouldn't be able to identify the pupils' religion just by looking at them,"

What a dumb fucking reason. Really, that's the best he could come up with? Why not? What's so bad about knowing someone's religion, when they are obviously not shy about it?

I get banning religious symbols from schools, because the institutes themselves are supposed to be non-religious (seperation of state and church and so on), but if the students themselves want to express their religion, let them.

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 7 points 1 year ago

Die Alternative war halt noch mal 4 Jahre Groko... Die bekannte Wahl zwischen Pest und Cholera.

[-] LazyKoala@feddit.de 12 points 1 year ago

Der Punkt ist gut und kann ich auch absolute nachvollziehen, bis auf:

was sie dann zur Afd treibt.

"Nö, also wenn ich keinen persönlichen Vorteil daraus habe, dann Wahl ich halt Nazis.", ist einfach ein Gedankengang den ich nie nachvollziehen werden kann.

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