His point was that YouTube should not provide her a platform, whether he pursues legal action or not is separate from YouTube giving her a platform. I imagine that if he is planning to pursue legal action, he won't be publicly talking about that for some time.
Oversleeping can cause fatigue as well
Now if you marry her, imagine all the sites you can access and games you can download! It's the next logical step, honestly
Agreed. Obviously, the tax code should be better enforced against wealthy people, but you can support one action without it meaning you don't support another.
Stop being poor smh
No, I think they were doing something called a "joke" which you missed. Sorry to say, but you wasted your effort with this comment since you missed it.
Love a definition that uses its own word
Truly a reddit fugitive
I'd hazard a guess that it's lower, but regardless shouldn't be available to the consumer yet if this is what they found in preliminary testing. Trying to hide it is quite disingenuous though - of course it's going to make mistakes while in testing and even after, trying to hide those mistakes and act as if they don't exist is not how you treat your potential customer base.
They should get a divorce. He obviously secretly believes in traditional gender roles being followed, and is trying to manipulate her into it with bullshit excuses. No other scenario is possible, no nuances are possible either. Everything is right or wrong.
This is sarcasm, just in case anyone wasn't sure :)
He also does a lot of philanthropy that doesn't get made into content, which leads me to believe he is just a philanthropist. Making content out of it isn't negative in my mind anyway, it just allows more philanthropy to take place.
Pretty sure it's a joke about the placement, not a serious assessment