Yes! And no! Think Augeries of Innocence or Vitruvian Man, or "Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven, and even The Magic Flute Which brings us back the way of the oroboros to the blursed Tree! Or "all paths lead home." Eta: That said, Yeats was entirely opposed to Crowley's admission to the Golden Dawn and there was a bit of a feud between them, which is at once amusIng and not. Yeats had valid points.
There are probably people who literally blood sacrifice to honor or obtain things from Satan. They are probably a bit delulu. Or outright frauds like that satanic panic author from the 80s, The Satan Seller. Animal sacrifice in magic is sacrificing the worst beast qualities to rid us of sin, nasty qualities, but then you're headed into astrological territory.
If you really want to dig in, YT channels are plentiful.
Eta: I probably could have just referenced superposition and entanglement.
It's quite possible. I've said (and been heavily down voted elsewhere) before two things:
The real ritual abuse is offering up our children to self or others to be abused for financial eta; or other ...constraints. This may be sexual, to make rent alone or keep Daddy happy so bills can be met, or being overworked and unable to direct anger at appropriate entities, bearing in mind that abuse can be financial (no money for sports or scouts), physical (not having patience, time or skills to properly address conflict/upset betweens and you parent or child so even non-brutal spanking for frustration or expedience to brutal punishment/compliance, also not allowing idle hands to prevent mischief), sexual (whether complicity, simply not seeing signs, leaving a child with daycare that exploits or refusing to acknowledge exploitation by other children or asking why children are overly brutish or sexualized) and
Unless we make contact with our own psychological demons, understand them, love them, they control us. Once we do that, they become our holy guardian angels, in that base instincts/survival techniques that once served a purpose in certain aspects can be acknowledged, worked with, what is useful kept, what isn't "bound" "sacrificed/to" etc to be "put into our service." For example, drinking to excess regularly, sacrificed either permanently or until moderation is achievable, depending on individual temperament and self-regulatory ability, which is theoretically, expandable/contractable. There are other esoteric (not to be confused with exoteric) terms available. Exoteric is noticing patterns around us, but that is only part of the whole. After which we turn our eyes inward to see corresponding patterns and how they can be manipulated or tempered.
Eta; this abuse can also be toward our own and others' inner children, vulnerable, wounded both, eg 'triggering the lib/right/left". Triggers are only good if they prompt self reflection and offer a way to heal, eg the difference between lancing a boil or merely poking it for immediate, malicious gratification. And we kid ourselves about it.