The best outcome of this situation is jury nullification. If the jury nullifies, we'll have proven the law does not prosecute heroic deeds of this caliber. It would be the biggest blow to capitalism in generations.
Well at least it's not a Canadian business
If they were focusing on stuff that matters, they'd be sending troops to assassinate Zelenksyy or blowing up the department of education with C4. It's lose lose.
Cute theory but Luigi wasn't the shooter
Because his social media profile matched the criteria they gave to the AI system for a white, young, male, person with chronic health issues who's engaged with extremist political content in the past in the desired location.
It's all about the data these days. They have systems on systems to monitor us all. Luigi read the Unabomber manifesto for a laugh and left a review. The algorithm identified him as a political extremist and fed his name to the pigs.
A trans person who was mean to people who misgendered them.
May you live in interesting times.
They're not comparing the two. They're equating them. Comparing is what you're doing. It's a good thing. You compared them and decided Trump is worse. The spy you're talking to won't compare them, and that's bad.
Spare us your piffle.
You wear a collar.
TERF ideology was ALWAYS based in the belief women are less than men. It's foundational.
Hermione is smarter than Harry, but he's the hero, because he was born special. Fred and George start a magic shop, while Ginny gets mind raped. Dumbledore is good, Umbridge is bad. Umbridge looks like a toad because she's fat, gets raped by centaurs because she's bad, and gets mocked by Hermione for having PTSD. Cho exists to cry over Harry and Cedric, while Cedric exists to be perfect. Lucius is smart, Bellatrix is crazy.
Rowling has always been a misogynist. She's a TERF because being a TERF is the modern way to hate women. Because trans people existing is true equality between all of the many sexes, and Rowling hates it. The best female boxer in the world can't be a woman, because men are stronger, so Rowling calls her a man.
"Trans men aren't really trans, they just want male privilege." "Trans women aren't really trans, they just want to prey on women." "Trans women can't know what womanhood is, because womanhood is being a victim of Patriarchy."
It is ALL misogyny. It is ALL the belief that women are lesser. It only looks like feminism when it's saying women are victims. It never wants to move beyond women being victims. It never advocates for progress. It wants to stay in the patriarchy forever.
Once the jurors are selected, we need to start a social media blitz in New York around jury nullification. Signs on street corners. Murals. Chanting crowds outside the courthouse on the court dates.
We can do this ๐ช