Oh look, Boston!
What would the wall being precut have to do with the car deciding to drive through it?
Yeah but be all get access to cool skateboards and 4' of rebar. π
$11 in Western WA state too.
For what it's worth I've been running everything I can get my hands on in VR under Linux for a year now with no issues. ALVR is a badass project.
Quest 2/3 though, Sony killed first party support for these things so fast it was unreal.
Man...I had the same experiences as you with Castlevania games and loved the hell outta Bloodstained. Wish I had more to add but wanted to at least high five lol
EndeavorOS too I would think.
There was a few big dumb moves they recently made involving the next fw update, a new piece of "security" software that was supposed to sign all connections to the printer and would prevent 3rd party slicers etc from connecting, and then gaslighting everyone by redacting statements previously made on their website about it. It's dumb, anti-consumer, and pissed off a community that's pretty much made up of giant nerds with the smarts to call them out on the bullshit.
There's about a billion videos about it, but the one from Zach Freedman sums it up best without blowing it out of proportion IMO.
But yeah, it was reason #187 I ordered a CORE One from Prusa at a much higher price vs BL models for my next printer.
Well Pop is based on Ubuntu, while EndeavourOS is based on Arch. So package availability is a little different. I've never really had issues with either but only really checked out Pop for a few weeks. I'm typing this from my EOS rig I play all my games on that's been stable and happy for maybe a year now.
One distro is fairly similar (or can be made similar) to another more or less if you get into it. I've found EndeavourOS pretty damn easy to set up and run for what that's worth and run it on three different machines right now.
Heh...you may wanna stay off the major YouTube 3D printing channels for a bit nowadays friend. :)
I first tried it in a hotel as a teenager, and thought it'd be a good choice because an Orc in the game Arcanum went into a long conversation about Bergamot. The fact Picard liked it too was a bonus. π