I think it's a joke
Macabi fans attacked amsterdam fans and palestine supporters,
amsterdam fans and palestine supporters attacked Macabi fans
One of the Videos was originally persumed to be an attack amsterdam fans --> Macabi Fans but turned out to be actually Macabi Fans --> Amsterdam
not really the main point you should be taking from this. What you should be taking from this is the following:
Israeli and Dutch Hooligans behaved like assholes terrorizing the local population (shocker I know). But there may have also been non-hooligans attacking the Israelis simply for being Israeli in anti-semitic violence. There is currently an Investigation, so we should be waiting for that before we draw any conclusions (inb4 everyone in the comments here knows exactly what happened (and it coincidentally just so happens to allign with their political viewpoints))
except for Systemd-Resolve.
Please just let me resolve wildcards. I don't want to install dnsmasq just for this.
what? no, I am using davx5, I am syncing my calendars.
but calendars that are synced don't show their tasks in fossify calendar.
and my problem with dav is the servers and their administration. ever tried sharing a calendar in radicale (not supported) or baikal (annoyingly confusing and undocumented)?
That Spoiler Tag doesn't work
All I have is 2 Rooms full of Philips Hue Lights and A few Cameras.
I am always so envious of people that were already able to automate their Smarthome.
Next I want to automate the outdoor lights as well as the Garagedoor. But I think I'll wait for Thread because it seems more resillient than Zigbee.
(Android) Calendars.
fossify calendar is somewhat great, but it doesn't have support for tasks (except in its own calendars that can't be synced)
And don't get me started on CalDav and trying to selfhost it. Baikal, Radicale.
Actually I think CalDav is the source of all of our problems. At least everyone I know won't touch it with a 2-meter pole.
And the reason why proprietary Calendars are so much better.
okay, why is the Tankie portrayed as a ripped chad?
unrealistic, unimmersive, literally unplayable
are we sure this is a "leopards ate my face" and not a "I am going to challenge their worldview"?
please, I am a green-liberal.
But sure, go on and bitch around, being all cocky and passive aggressive about the problem instead of trying to fix it.
I mean, just look at it: You're framing it in a way that a white cishet guy running for (vice-)president is a problem.
You are making fun of a person advocating for the troubles of young white guys. When in literally the sentence before it you were framing a white vice president as a bad thing. And then you're wondering why they aren't voting for you.
It is on the nose. Especially since I already typed it out for you in my comment.
preferably you'd not let it get this far.
Or you can just cry around and watch the next batch of savable (saveable?) boys become radicalized.
a right-wing authoritarian racist, but not a fascist
that distinction may seem purely aesthetical to you but it is important not to overuse the word too much. Not to "cry wolf one too many times".
sources (in german):
(Trump isn't a fascist, but that doesn't make him any less dangerous) https://www.freitag.de/autoren/the-guardian/donald-trump-ist-kein-faschist-aber-das-macht-ihn-nicht-weniger-gefaehrlich
(Trump, the fascist? The rethorical cannon of the democrats feels excessive - and a bit panicked) https://www.nzz.ch/meinung/donald-trump-ein-faschist-die-rhetorische-kanone-der-demokraten-wirkt-masslos-und-etwas-panisch-ld.1854329