Do you think shields matter against intentional blind bombing on civilians? Or do you seriously think they are not purposely aiming for civilians with the way they chose to attack? Use your brain.
It's only a problem at the moment because countries are trying to sustain an unsustainable economic model that requires endless growth. It will collapse eventually. Might as well not increase environmental problems as a trade off to make it last a bit longer.
I don't think this question is that different from asking whether a cat ever wonder why a dog might want to play with it. A cat probably assume something, which might not even be the same as another cat. It probably also depends on their personality and experience. Kind of like how humans often assume certain things without thinking about it too deeply, like the motivation of another person, even if that assumption is wrong.
Haha, yea. I don't think you can make people coordinate that much unless it's bots.
I could see myself doing that tbh, but for other things. There's always this urge to promote the less well known stuff. It just depends on when you're in the mood to actually type it out.
Plants are alive.
Just being decentralised doesn't mean they have anything else in common.
Eh, I think you're thinking about nuclear fission? The guy you replied to was talking about nuclear fusion.
That's not really what OP is saying though? They're talking about corporate efforts to make it seems like the consumers are the problem, not them, and many are still falling for it. As long as the awareness of this is not raised and more people aren't pointing fingers at the corporates the whole don't buy their product is never going to be effective, same for advocating for regulations (rather, especially the regulations). You're assuming everyone knows the root of the problem already, but that's just not the case here.
Doesn't Threads app have direct access to browsing history as well? I feel like that's another can of worm that could probably use some further explanation on.
And it's perfectly normal for technology to advance and become more effective and efficient over time.
They're not the same level of crazy.