Erwarte halt jetz einfach Nachrichten von allem möglichem miesen Zeug was er macht und Block das meiste raus. Wenn jmnd dann geschockt zu mir kommt sag ich "war ja klar." Und gut is.
3 Wörter Eric Andre Show
In school, we never just watched a Hitler speech and were asked "here, have a look, whatdaya think?" It is always, from the beginning, embedded in critical, solemn reminders to see it as the darkest chapter in history. We (at least in my school education) were taught how easily masses are manipulated by emotions, groupthink crowd dynamics and psychology. How strong and blinding tribalism can be.
So to answer your question, what do I, as a German whose grandfather fought in France for the bad guys feel when I see a Hitler speech?
Anger for people who lose their capacity for rational thinking and let themselves be blinded by emotions. Anger about rethoric. And a deep unsettling sense of dread, shame and sadness.
Er soll 1 machen mit Urkel als Gurke
For me it's all american pronunciation of french words. Feels like butchering xP
No one's gonna say that marraiah carrey christmas song? Ok i'll say it, tha marraiah carrey Christmas song.
Believe me, it's a good tactic, I got quite profficient in english that way, you just need to find interesting media, you'll learn it in no time!
I love how he still prepared a fun party for everybody. ^^
Mamer Mia!