I recently re-watched Future Diary, an anime relating to keeping a journal that then gets shifted forward into time which, depending on what you were documenting, could be to your advantage or disadvantage.

This inspired me to keep my own journal YEARS back, and I've been doing pretty good at keeping it alive. I've recently migrated to using Obsidian as my software (in fact, I use Obsidian for everything! From notes in class to quick to-do lists for the day) and it's made it pretty easy to look back on old notes. I used to be obsessed with minute-by-minute updates like in the anime, but took a more realistic approach to having a daily review. However recently I've found that I am losing track of more and more as my life gets more and more busy. I've tried some different note-taking methods but those work for some aspects, but not all aspects of what I need to remember.

I have (most likely, at best undiagnosed) ADHD to where I can't remember a conversation I just had as soon as I turn back around to continue what I was working on before getting interrupted in conversation. So I have tried writing EVERYTHING down. This works, as long as I remember all the details by the time it's written down. (I've been interrupted 5 times while writing this so forgive me if it's scattered) But notes can get lost in the sauce and I have to search forever to find bits of info.

The way I use Obsidian is by having the daily note set up with a template which is timestamped and asks loaded questions, with tags, to help me find what subject I want to look back on in certain dates. These tags can be relating to work, emotions, relationships, interactions, and ways to improve any of those.

These get stored in folders for each year, but I generally keep them open-ended with the file name being just the date with a quick summary after it.

I've tried to use it as a task tracker at work, but when it came for annual review time, I struggled to find a way to parse a lot of notes all at once to remember what I had done for the year. This made me want to migrate to Microsoft Lists but now I have to use two different software for close to the same thing, and I lose which one I used for information I need.

So, how do you use a journal? What software do you use? What works best for tracking your tasks for annuals? What works best for keeping you on task when ADHD gets the better of you? How do you keep track of everything?!

[-] Packopus@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

@SuperRecording I've always been told the opposite. As long as you brush soon after you actually prevent stains. And to always make sure to at least rinse with water after coffee.


[-] Packopus@kbin.social 3 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

@Squander Let us peel away your petty facades and reveal you for what your truly are!!!

fairly attractive 20-somethings, apparently.

[-] Packopus@kbin.social 2 points 1 year ago

@ananesiken "I can't adapt to change so therefore I refuse to, and will publicly announce it as I do so."

K bye, this content isn't helping the lack of good content.

[-] Packopus@kbin.social 1 points 1 year ago

I've found Cloudflare is cheaper than Google Domains, and allows for more flexibility of setups. A $12 domain on google can be $9 or less on Cloudflare. (this is a per-year price. So the cheaper you get the domain, will exponentially be cheaper over 10+ years)

Cloudflare is also a layer of protection to your pihole. You shouldn't run in to that many issues by buying a domain but I'm not sure what you're trying to do. Just buying a domain is like buying a username, it doesn't do much until you point it somewhere. So if you're pointing it to your pi-hole to host something then I'd look in to hosting services to save yourself a bit of a security issue.

What is it you're trying to do?


joined 1 year ago