Computer no longer works. 'E's passed on! This PC is no more! He has ceased to be! 'E's expired and gone to meet 'is maker! 'E's a stiff! Bereft of life, 'e rests in peace! If you hadn't nailed 'im to the perch 'e'd be pushing up the daisies! 'Is metabolic processes are now 'istory! 'E's off the twig! 'E's kicked the bucket, 'e's shuffled off 'is mortal coil, run down the curtain and joined the bleedin' choir invisible!! THIS IS AN EX-PC!!

It really is. Everyone splintering off to their own app is what got me back to it. Had Netflix, Hulu, max, Disney, prime and I think Apple plus or peacock for a while and I could never remember what service the shows I was watching were on. Opening up 4 streaming apps to find what I was watching the other day got tiresome. When it was mainly Netflix and Hulu I only pirated the few shows that were on like HBO that I wanted to see. Arr apps with plex is so nice in comparison.

I'll get the pc fixed. Pi is being used for pihole currently. Do you need a Nas to connect the pi to the hdd that have the video files? Been a while since I messed with the pi, but I don't remember there being sata connections, or if there is, I have 3 hdd that would need to be connected.

I'm working on it. Pretty sure it's down to CPU, GPU or motherboard. I have an old gtx 660 that I'm going to try. Then probably buy a new MB and see if that helps. Really hope it's not CPU or GPU as they're a 5900x and 2080Super. Not exactly cheap replacements.


And fuck. I really miss plex. I've had Netflix and Hulu forever as family won't let me cancel. Decided to sign up to Paramount + for some Trek. Twice in lower decks it didn't save my watched episodes. Doesn't mark episode as watched if you exit during the credits. And multiple playback issues.

Wanted to add no ad Disney to the Hulu for some Doctor Who. Only the add supported is available through Hulu. So I'd have to cancel, wait for the month to end and sign up via Disney. Deal with ads or pay almost double the duo plan costs, or include ESPN, and honestly fuck sports.

What is so difficult about just providing a decent service for a fair price? Why is plex like a decade ahead of the streaming UI's? I'm trying to give you fucks money and you're making it extremely difficult.

I don't know D&D but in Baldurs Gate, it's a pretty high level spell, so you might only have 1 or 2 uses. And even if you can cast it again, that's a high level spell slot that could have been used for damage or healing which is now gone.

Wouldn't the hair prevent a good seal? Do these actually work, or does the gas leak in through the fur?

Well trash has been removed from the sidewalk.

Unfortunate that an innocent homeless man had to die though.

It's our insurance gives us cheaper rates if we drug test, and we can fire you if you get hurt on the job and happened to smoke a joint last weekend.

You can't force treatment on someone who doesn't want help and expect results. Just like throwing them in jail until they're sober doesn't stop them from using as soon as they get released.

Not ruining people's lives further with jail and criminal records for personal use is better than what we were doing before, even if it's not perfect.

I found this

When insect-eating bats and birds were excluded from cacao trees in Sulawesi, Indonesia, the crop yield fell by 31 percent.

[-] 19 points 10 months ago* (last edited 10 months ago)

"stored stolen BBC property"

Does copyright work differently over there? Or are the copies actually stolen and not just recorded from broadcast?

Guess I should read the article.

Discarded TV film was secretly salvaged from bins and skips by staff and contractors who worked at the BBC

Eminem has a lot of homophobic lyrics. Think you're going to get him removed? Music has always pushed the boundaries of what's acceptable. Sometimes that's a good thing, other times it's not. But I think an artists freedom of expression overrides your feelings.

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