As long as it is still a 40 hour work week it's not progress imho
I don't think it should be the devs getting angry, rather the execs
A few hundred years ago they chopped heads off of kings and queens for spending too much on everything, and now they do it for them
Where I live (a German speaking country) a kobold is more like a small humanoid being, more like a gnome
But that's Portuguese...
Thank you for your service!
I think it's adorable behaviour and more people should be as considerate as you!
Finally, a truly unpopular opinion (which I don't share)
Turkey hurt itself in its confusion!
What is smurfing?
Hear me out on this one:
If we take it as given that pedophilia is a disorder and ultimatly a sickness, wouldn't it be better that these people get their fix from AI created media than from the real thing?
IMO there was no harm done to any kid in the creation of this and it would be better to give these people the fix they need or at least desperately desire in this way before they advance to more desperate and harmful measures.
I'm recently enjoying walkscape, which is an RPG where you have to walk in real life to progress in game activities, such as crafting or fighting.
It's in closed beta, but you can sign up for the next wave of beta invites and I got in pretty fast
Also, I downloaded streetcomplete but haven't really gotten around to it. It's an app where you map out your surroundings for open source maps with Infos, like opening times at a bank or the width of the street or the type of road, etc. A cool concept, but I always forget about it