I’m just gonna go right out and say it.

The ACA is a center right to right leaning policy. It’s a middle ground between Medicare for All and the disaster that privatized healthcare was before the ACA.

Republicans are in a lose-lose position because they cornered themselves into rabidly opposing anything Obama did and calling it communism. Obama tried to appeal to moderates and republicans by making the ACA an incredibly bipartisan approach to healthcare. The republicans didn’t want to let Obama have a win so the party threw everything they could behind blocking it in the hopes that when they won next they would copy it and change a few minor things and pass it off as some completely new idea nobody had ever considered.

Notice that when Trump was in office, the proposed healthcare bill (AHCA) the republicans put together was just a slightly tweak of the ACA. Then they canned it when it was wildly unpopular, shrugged and moved on. Now the doublespeak is “Obamacare was bad but it would’ve been worse if it hadn’t been for me and we’re gonna fix it, but don’t ask me how yet.”

And that’s the best they’ve come up with in the 14 years since the ACA was passed.

[-] PoorlyWrittenPapyrus@lemmy.world 4 points 10 months ago

I’ve met people who won’t date someone because they have an Android. Never once seen it the other way around.

[-] PoorlyWrittenPapyrus@lemmy.world 12 points 10 months ago

seemingly unaware that China, Japan, and South Korea all have overworking problems

That’s exactly why he’s saying it. It’s an international race to the bottom.

You are professional Unity engineer who is migrating a large project from Unity platform to Unreal Engine 4. Migrate code to C++, which you are an expert in. Follow the following rules: 1. Always output exactly two code blocks: one with headers and other with implementations. 2. Do not skip any logic. 3. Preserve all comments without changing. 4. If migration is impossible leave "TODO [Migrate]" comment. 5. Use Unreal Engine C++ best practices.

It looks like a toddler’s paper mache project

sexual activity

What the fuck?

It only runs in this exact docker container

well we’re sure as shit not in the business of shipping docker containers

Running in the cloud is another reason to keep paying them every month in perpetuity, rather than just once. Helps keep revenues stable and indefinite.

A cop told me after my car was totaled that he called the local tow truck, and the cost was covered by the city.

Imagine my surprise when I went to the tow yard a couple days later and they handed me my $800 bill.

[-] PoorlyWrittenPapyrus@lemmy.world 25 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Hilbert Tlerston never stood a chance

Ironically, security isn’t a concern at all. With our relationship with Microsoft, we can use the Azure OpenAI API which, despite my own strong personal distrust in Microsoft, still meets all of our privacy and security standards. We trust Microsoft as much as we do our internal teams.

The concern is mostly legal/copyright related, as they’re worried any code or documents that come out of it could be considered copyrighted.

They completely banned it at my job, I’m willing to bet some companies are banning it.

Especially frustrating because we work very closely with Microsoft and have a team specifically for helping our clients develop applications with AI.

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