
joined 1 month ago
[–] 4 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

wait, this looks like a privacy-respecting Arc Browser clone?

OP is clearly trolling now. Not worth giving them attention.

I don't understand what you're trying to say?

The original quote is seriously one of my favourite quotes of all time.


I have not looked into any sources on what life was like for a feudal peasant. However, I've heard that peasants had more holidays and rest. I also believe the life of a peasant was more communal and satisfactory with religion being a central feature. This, to me, is a stark contrast to the life of the modern proletariat in the Global North who often lives for work, is more and more isolated, and maybe gets only a month off work. Yes, we have higher life expectancy now (quantity) but I cant help but think that peasants had a better quality of life. Please educate me on this topic and provide some sources to look at. Thank you! 🙏

It took me two takes to notice the cat. That's trippy.

[–] 8 points 1 month ago (1 children)

Yeah was trying to seek help with mental health on the NHS. Kept getting referred to different people and organisations and eventually just gave up. Been trying to determine if I have ADHD, autism, and/or bipolar. Guess I won't know until something serious happens or I get hospitalised. The NHS just isn't what it used to be.