Every life matters, and the reason we cannot make progress is because people who think they are 'good' are shunning and actively casting away people with less than desirable traits.
Nazis suck, racists suck, bigots suck, but they weren't born that way. Their lived experience led them to the place they are in. How do you get them out? Practice what you are preaching: compassion.
Every life matters, and the reason we cannot make progress is because people who think they are 'good' are shunning and actively casting away people with less than desirable traits.
Nazis suck, racists suck, bigots suck, but they weren't born that way. Their lived experience led them to the place they are in. How do you get them out? Practice what you are preaching: compassion.
Edit: this comment here explains my point better than my own https://ponder.cat/comment/1872062