Standards can be updated. Like the EU standard was from Micro-USB to USB-C. It happens all the time in all fields of technology.
Taxes. US prices are always net prices, as taxes are depending on which state you live in. 20 USD = 18.28 € + 19 % taxes (let's take the German one) = 21.75 €. If you are from Italy you are even better off, as with your VAT it would be 22 % = 22.3 €.
Billionaires first.
Hm, die Diskussion um §219 hat gezeigt, dass das leider nicht ganz so geklärt ist, wie es sein sollte.
So? Reddit has about 10 sizeable Subs that are just a variation of "Ask Any and All Questions". That's not even counting speciality subs like "MedicalQuestions" or "ITQuestions" or "DermatologyQuestions" or "AskTrangender". Or the different language ones like "FragReddit" (German). In the end 1-3 will become the major ones, all will be a bit different and everyone will find the ones they like most.
Schon seit Jahren eine Kreuzung aus Ichbin40undlustig und einem AFD-Parteitag.
Ja, warum haben die nicht 200k auf der Seite um einen geilen 6 % Kredit für die restlichen 400k zu kriegen und dann monatlich 3000 € für die nächsten 35 Jahre zurückzuzahlen? Unverständlich.
What should happen? That's all public information, they can (and probably do) scrape this already. As does all and any AI project and company.
But why go to Stormfront Lite, if you have Stromfront Extra Deluxe* in form of Twitter already.
^*only slightly broken daily^
Replace? No. Be a valiable second option? Sure. Like in the early 2000 when you had dozens of major forums for certain topics. Something Awful, GameFAQs, Digg, Slashdot, 4chan, NeoGAF… It‘s not a natural law that there has to be one service having 95 % of the discussion market locked up.
Money is tighter since the inflation affects VC and stupid money flowing in. Stock prices are not going up, people have no money to play with (see the death of NFTs at the same time, the definition of a stupid investment).
Until the first few break down and you need to buy new ones, just to realize they are different from the ones you have by now (or discontinued outright).