It's not a threat, it's the reality of how these things go. With most of our WW2 veterans dead, most people have neither connection to, nor appreciation of, what happens during a military occupation. They think it's a fucking joke. It most certainly isn't. The moment hostilities become inevitable, all of the people who thought it was funny to "own the libs" by publicly supporting annexation will find they are easy, identifiable targets for righteous anger, and they should best get out before they're put out. Note that the government will not have time for controlled and legally respectful deportation, and it will be aggrieved patriots who decide their fate. Crowds of angry, scared people are not gentle, and they tend to be creative in the most horrible ways.
After hostilities end, no matter how they end, these people will still not feel any comfort. If they end up on the wrong side of history, as they usually do as traitors in an occupation, their fate is grim indeed.
The bottom line is they really should reexamine their loyalties carefully and if they choose to retain treasonous loyalties they should strongly consider leaving Canada. Not sure why they would want to stay anyway, when they clearly do not offer nor deserve the respect of their fellow Canadians.
Before we miss our window: 50% export tax on hydro, oil and potash. And start charging tolls to ship by road through BC to Alaska.
Nationalize US pharma patents.
Nationalize strategic resources, in particular oil.
Offer US scientists, engineers and doctors research labs and startup funds.
Kill USMCA dairy quotas...RFKs FDA is a threat to a healthy milk supply anyway, and we need to look out for national health.
And if the incoming tariffs kill US auto makers, repurpose for Canadian made EVs.
And don't forget to restrict US investment, particularly in key strategic resources. We can't let them execute a hostile corporate takeover.