joined 9 months ago
LOL, they look like clones. But I like it! My choice would be white dress.
Top left.
Blonde in oranges socks, obviously! But number 2 is also a cutie.
All 3 of them are snacks, but I would choose the blonde, she is not only sexy but also cute.
I‘d give lower right a call anytime she wants.
What, nobody chose the the raunchy brunette yet?
I call dibs!
I don’t know, those horrible tattoos make me only hornier.
I’m kinda afraid of what this says about me.
Right, however I admit that left has the nicer Dragonballs.
Right has probably the biggest tits. Middle looks pretty and innocent.
But I would take the selfie Thot, she is probably the sluttiest.
Left. She has prettier face.
Thanks for the recommendation. Yeah, I thought stuff would be probably on discord. The problem is, I really really hate discord.