that’s so sad 🫂 im so sorry, he did not deserve that
i don’t know any, thankfully 🙏
i, 14. dad would keep it in the fridge or counter so i drank it once on call with a friend and nearly vomited.
english is my mother tongue but i’ve been told i speak portuguese better (my dad’s second language as he lived by brazil)
day 1 feeling extremely fatigued, headaches, hunger, vertigo, even nausea i stay very hydrated and don’t have very bad hangovers so then it usually goes away
im eating cheetos, so that’s perfect!
i am 😋
imagine being hungover during the super bowl 💔
code switching is awesome. sometimes i'll hear bilingual hispanic people being like "oh, by the way, ya has visto squid game (have you seen squid game yet)? it's so good"
do u think your mom will teach u again??
whoa falo os 3 idiomas tbm mas falo portugues possivelmente melhor do q os outros
could she perhaps teach you?? burmese seems like a cool language
Never been vomiting drunk, got pretty close on my first time.