Daddy musk says I haven't hit my mileage quota for the day
'Member those trolly tracks that served all the rural communities in the world until they were ripped up? Hey I 'member!
The climate is going to suffer, there's no doubt about that. When that happens, obviously humans will try to fix it. Why be a doomer now when you could start fixing what you can?
You could broaden the scope of what you believe you "can" do
It's even more chadlike to fall and get back up
Thank you Chad 💪💪💪
Thank you for the resources!
ok doomer
I'll be buying a second hand electric car and it will afford me a great deal of independence that public transport cannot. And when I can use public transport, I will.
They pose the same question in the article - it’s barely recyclable if recyclable at all
A drop in the bucket, which is fully comprised of drops ;)
How do you propose to solve these issues? Find a new job for everyone that can be done at a computer? Bring down multinational corporations?
Or make the situation slightly better by removing those daily emissions?