As is generally the case, only a relative few have enough power to actually do something meaningful, and as the winners of the countless battles that had to be fought as they crawled their way up whichever hierarchy to the top of which they now cling, they tend to be ruthless, self-serving, dishonest, amoral and entirely heartless, hiding behind a convincing-enough veneer of principles and integrity.
So as is generally the case, the world can be roughly divided into those who could do something but won't. those who would do something but can't, and those who aren't paying attention, for whatever reason.
Over the short term (in an historical sense), that's certainly the case.
I just mentioned on another post that I liken it to individual growth. Just as individuals can and often do mature to the point that they no longer need or desire a mommy and daddy, so too can our species as a whole mature. And I believe that, if we don't destroy ourselves along the way, we not only can but will.
But even if we don't destroy ourselves along the way, yes - that's still many, many, MANY generations away.