What do you think he's refering to?
I just found my way back into Hell Let Loose so I'll probably stick woth it for a bit.
Singleplayerwise I am currently trying to get through Kingdome Come Deliverance. But it's hard to fimd the time.
When I don't have much time or feel like a bit of casual gaming I play a round of Hearthstone Battlegrounds :)
That stuborn saint refuses to take my money.
He just continues to make uBlock out of pure spite.
No it's deeply rooted in racism.
TLDR is: Everything great achieved in africa/ america/asia must have been aliens/ancient civilization (Like Atlantis). Everything in Europe was of course achieved due to the great intellect of europeans.
I recomend the podcast "It's probably (not) Aliens" They really deep dive into different aspects of ancient aliens/astronaut theories
Das ist der plan Die initiative richtet sich hauptsächlich gegen digitale werbetafeln Analog soll zwar reduziert werden aber erlaubt bleiben
The right is extremly good at rebranding. It needs rebranding to survive.
There is a pretty good podcast episode by It's probably not Aliens going into this a bit. It's called: The slow and secret rise of esoteric nazis since WWII
They literally have democratic in their name!!1!1!! /s
Wehrhafte Demokratie?
Dass ich das noch erleben darf 🥹
"Tolleriert" ist halt laut Gerichtsbeschluss auch nicht pauschal verboten.
Ganz abgesehen davon, dass ich nicht glaub das lemmy admins juckt was in DE erlaubt und was verboten ist.
In Dänemark haben sich die neuen Melanom-Fälle pro 100.000 Einwohner und Jahr um das 40-fache erhöht. "
Holy moly
Mehr braucht man nicht wissen