
joined 1 month ago
[–] 2 points 1 day ago

"Scooter - She Said" would have me go back to 13yo me chilling in a camping site with my family, listening to my mp3

"Placebo - Special Needs" is connected instead to a period of trips with friends and complex feelings, especially feeling like being alive again

[–] 3 points 1 week ago

The random use of Italian words

Behold, my new Savona Patty. Then, have some Bellissimo Salad. Would you like some Grazie topping, perhaps a Fortuna sauce?

[–] 5 points 1 week ago* (last edited 1 week ago)

I wouldn't make a direct connection between the two. Let's ask "security from what?"

Security from warfare doesn't need to limit individual freedom, perhaps it just requires a certain part of people and economic activity to engage in military activity, production, and research.

Security from poverty increases individual freedom. If the government helps those who lost their job, then you don't need to rely on having a job to survive, only to improve your economic status and living standards.

Security from crime is possibly more tricky. Less control you apply on a population, more likely it is for them to do crime. Although fighting poverty does help prevent much of that crime, especially organized crime.

But maybe you meant more on an individual level, than a system level. In that case sure, being an employee is probably the most secure option, although that's only true if the job contract limits firing. Aspiring to a better job, perhaps moving to a country or state with better worker rights, increases both security and freedom. For example, as an Italian I earn X and if I decide to have children I'd have huge costs and issues with parental leaves. If I moved to Sweden, not only I would have about a 30% increase in salary, but as a parent I would receive much more help, both for leaves and for free nursery and such (if I'm not mistaken). Plus I would cut costs in cars, as I wouldn't need one. So, higher security (I can save more money) and higher freedom (more free time).

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago

I wonder what's worse :(

[–] 8 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago) (3 children)

What's your favourite pizza topping?

[–] 4 points 2 weeks ago* (last edited 2 weeks ago)

While I am an AI enthusiast, generative AI has two issues that make it very hard to accept here

One is definitely the fact that we all know they have been trained using our data without our informed consent, not to mention it bring a typical case where copyright only applies to big companies, it doesn't really protect individuals.

The second one is simply that we are in a social network. Social. We use it to communicate with people, not to play games or take part in experiments. It's like using comments to a question for statistical purposes, you have to tell people they are taking part in it.

Here we want to discuss daily life, politics and hobbies with other people, forming opinions based on what other people think, and spending time and energy to explain our positions to other people. If the other end is a machine, how is this different from an NPC from an RPG game?

So, I guess the only way to go for it is to have separate communities that specifically allow AI bots, making sure people know about it so they take part if they are willing. Ofc we can expect some instances deciding to cut ties with AI filled ones, it's up to them to decide.

[–] 15 points 2 weeks ago (4 children)

Now we know what Sheldon would do with a time machine

[–] 3 points 3 weeks ago

I don't really have a main IDE. I work with python, so on my work PC they got me a PyCharm license.

For everything else, I casually switch between Pulsar (Atom fork), Notepad++, Spyder, and I did some stuff in VSCode. If the project is small and is an aws lambda, I use their web editor

Anything goes really

[–] 31 points 3 weeks ago (4 children)

That intellectual property, both copyright or patents, doesn't serve its theoretical purpose and just acts as a legal shield for the monopolies of big corporations, at least in our capitalistic system, and it limits the spread of information

In theory, a musician should be protected against abuse of their music. In practice, all musicians need to be on Spotify through one of the few main publishers to make any decent money, and their music will be used for unintended purposes (intended for their contract at least) like AI training

In theory, patents should allow a small company with an idea to sell its progressive product to many big corporations. In practice, one big corporation will either buy the small company or copy the product and have the money to legally support its case against all evidence, lobbying to change laws too. Not to mention that big corporations are the ones that can do enough research to have relevant patents, it's much harder for universities and SMEs, not to mention big corporations can lobby to reduce public funding to R&D programs in universities and for SMEs.

And, last but not least important, access to content, think of politically relevant movies or book, depends on your income. If you are from a poorer country, chances are you cannot enjoy as much information and content as one born in a richer country.

[–] 2 points 3 weeks ago

Esatto, perché possa davvero fare un danno a google, basta una campagna comunicativa per l'adozione e un supporto economico

Le vie legali sarebbero un braccio di ferro che chissà come va a finire, ma sicuramente non spaventano un colosso come google

[–] 2 points 4 weeks ago (2 children)

Boh dico ma anziché fare ste battaglie inutili abbassandosi al loro livello, non basterebbe finanziare una campagna, magari insieme ad altri Paesi, per supportare e pubblicizzare un progetto di mappe alternativo magari libero, togliendo a google una bella fetta di dati?

Proprio per le mappe c'è la strada spianata per un tipo di operazione del genere, non costerebbe nemmeno molto

[–] 11 points 4 weeks ago (1 children)

Femboys are you ok to come to the shop for a coffee and a coffee and a drink with a friend who is more than welcome to come to the house and I can do it for you and you can do it for me and I can do it for you and you can do it for me and

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