It's an atheist group designed to point out religious hypocrisy. It actually has been rather useful.
Hey, they aren't good at nothing. They excel at killing pedestrians.
I would let Milo lick my hair, he looks like a great boy.
What is up with Fullerton College? The university I went to it would be impossible to graduate with more than 1 degree in 3 years, and Fullerton is giving a kid 5 degrees for 3 years at college?
Hamas likes it when Israel kills Palestinian citizens, because it make Israel justifiably look bad. Hamas wants to get other countries like Saudi Arabia and Iran involved in the war, and dead Palestinian civilians helps that goal.
Isn't it called The Inner Light, which does somewhat describe Picard's situation.
I can't speak to every other city of course, but the photo looks just like Queen East ion Toronto:
Not the exact spot, I'm too lazy to find that specific bike lock, but that area of street view shows all the features in OPs photo.
I've read estimates that miscarriages make up as much as 75% of all pregnancies, but many are early so women just think their period was late.
It's happened to me with friends kids. Asking me if I've heard of Pokemon. Kid, I was your age when Pokemon first came out.
But you see, Obama is black, and we already knew Republicans wouldn't work with a black man. But Biden is white, so he proves they're not just racist, they're obstructionist assholes as well.
An act of armed robbery by a gang in India or Burma. had to look it up.
Don't forget putting your samples in the incubator and waiting overnight for cells to grow.