[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 4 points 1 week ago

Wand of fire works well.

Mixing potions of Paralysis and Toxic holds and poisons them.

A stone of Aggression to make them attack each other.

It's tough when they don't come to the door.


Huntress made it on the first run. I really like the new Upgrade system.

One creepy thing... killed a Monk rushing at me just as he was passing a chest. His remains ended up inside. So wrong. I had to open that chest once I found the key. You don't want to know how bad it smelled inside.


Gladiator ascended. No obvious bugs. I like the remade menu. Balance is decent.

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 4 points 2 weeks ago

If only I had a dollar for every good working app that Google has broken for no reason whatsoever other than the force people to upgrade I'd be a multi-millionaire.

submitted 3 weeks ago* (last edited 3 weeks ago) by The_Snail@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

I just had to test the newest SPD 2.5.0b3 on the oldest Android device I have, and I am proud to say that it works great!

My old Zeki nearly went into the trash this month as nearly all support for 4x has ceased. Then I discovered XPlayer, a 3rd party app designed to run MKV movies in h265 format. Along with WiFi FTP I am able to stream quality movies on this old tablet.

Better still, I can now play one of the best roguelikes ever on it! Thank you 00-Evan for not writing off older hardware.

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 3 points 3 weeks ago

potion of paralysis followed by potion of poison on the summoning altars behind the throne, bee's on the altars before the throne, and once the king's invulnerability fails a stone of aggression at the king, then let his own minions kill him... this approach has worked very well for any class or challenge... a wand of blast can help this method by pushing minions back into the deadly fog should they get through

Archive of Pixel Dungeon's (drive.google.com)
submitted 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago) by The_Snail@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

I have recently updated the GD archive of PD's as my friends site is no longer availble.

Added or updated:


Community SPD v1.0.apk

DHAlpha's SPD v2.4.0 Mod.apk

Experienced Pixel Dungeon Redone v2.18.2.apk

ismvru's Easier SPD v2.4.2m1.apk

Pixel Towers v0.0.3.apk

Shattered Pixel Dungeon v2.4.2 gold mod.apk


More than 300 versions of PD.


Please do not download the entire archive or Google will suspend the account and nobody will be able to get anything. Just grab what you need. I stronly urge other PD archivers to add these to their collections and share them. About 75% of these PD's are available from the author's site or Github and I ask you download from those places first.

Although my archive has been posted and available for nearly a year, even after Fandom's recent overhaul they include only a fraction of what is available.

Also, if anyone can contact Dominowood, I'm sure he would like to fill in his missing files, most if not all of which are available in my archive.

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 3 points 1 month ago

There are in fact over 300 versions/mods (not including all the different revisions of each) of the original Pixel Dungeon, Pixel Dungeons for various OS's, and serveral games that use the same title although they have no relationship to this Pixel Dungeon. When Doyla/Watabou released the source code for Pixel Dungeon to the public, there was no copyright, registration, or trademark involved, just a GPL. I recently brought this version you mention to the attention of this community. As it is not a working game as yet, or not available to the public for testing, not much can be said. The game has some elements of Pixel Dungeon 3D and other games. In fairness, it is not being presented as Shattered Pixel Dungeon, and it may be that the PD source was used. It may also be a clone. A PD fan inspired original game. Without further details one can only speculate. Reguardless, if they want to use the PD name, there is no legal recourse against it. Fan's of PD could rally to boycott as they have in the past, but to what end or extent? Should we attack all game clones? Should we go after all PD mods? Should the fans of original non-graphical Rogue-likes join in the battle to take down all graphical Rogue-likes. It's a slippery slope to start saying lets take legal action against open source software - you may as well be Micro$soft.

Pixel Dungeon VR (lemmy.world)

There is a rather interesting effort to create a multiplayer 3D version of Pixel Dungeon that reminds me of a mix between Shattered and Gauntlet. It isn't ready just yet and because it will be on Steam it is guarenteed to be massively bloated, so hopefully it will get ported to Android.

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 5 points 2 months ago

It does count toward the final score, as does searching all of level 5 even if you beat Goo and find the Rat King. If you don't search the entire level you lose points.

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 6 points 2 months ago

Yes. I came very close to starving many times. Keeps you moving. I found a lot of Maps and turned them into clairvoyance stones. That helped cover a lot of ground without backtracking and searching. That was a big game changer this time. I also used an upgrade to make stones of enchantment an got a Blazing bow. A mimic dropped a Ring of Might +3. Another drop had a warhammer +1 very early on. A Ring of Haste helped conserve food and move along faster. I got the Rose too, on level 22, so that was useless. One should be able to eat the rose. I found 3 healing wells. I usually don't find more than one or two in a game. I tend to get the mind vision ones a lot more. Not sure if that is by design or get random.

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 4 points 2 months ago

Classic. I haven't seen that one in ages.


After 4 days on one of my best runs ever, I came so close to a perfect score on a 9 Challenge. Almost want to cry 😢

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 4 points 3 months ago

I did get 2 scrolls. One I used on an artifact, and the other I converted into augmentation stones for my armour and crossbow.

What I find amusing is that I conquored this game in a single run with a class I don't usually use and I get advice on how I may have done better.

Going to try the Huntress next.

Point here being however that v2.4.1 works.

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 5 points 3 months ago

Because throughout the game the only other rings I obtained were a Ring of Wealth and a cursed Ring of Might. I used the Ring of Wealth for a while but decided a few extra points of damage were preferred in the lower levels. I did get a ton of wands though... just what every Fighter wants.


Although I prefer to use the Huntress, for my first run through the new v2.4.1 I took the Fighter/Gladiator the entire way in a single run.

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 3 points 4 months ago

Greetings. I've been keeping an eye on your updates. Nice to see you here.

[-] The_Snail@lemmy.world 4 points 4 months ago

The cartridge does not contain "pixel dungeon" in the video.

Someone simply added that to the still shot.

The link is a commercial spam/ad.

IMHO you should be banned a week for this.

Golden (lemmy.world)

Huntress, 3 challenge, Wand of Regrowth +9.

Scrolls of Recharging.

I have not only grown the elusive Golden Lotus in a garden, I managed to grow 4 at once!

Died fighting Yog with harder boses and not destroying spawners, but good run with Flaming Bow, Gauntlet of Fire, and Brimstone Armour.


Aways plan ahead.

submitted 8 months ago* (last edited 8 months ago) by The_Snail@lemmy.world to c/pixeldungeon@lemmy.world

A brief evolution of Rogue. Thousands of sites exist on the topic, so I won't go into a lot of repeat here, but I thought you might enjoy a quick gaming history lesson.

Tolkein (Lord of the Rings and many other books), inspired the game Moria. Zeb, Cook, and Gygax, creators of Dungeons & Dragons, inspired the game Rogue. Tolkein, from Europe, and Gygax (mainly credited for D&D), from America, detested one another.

Shattered Pixel Dungeon is based upon Pixel Dungeon. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.shatteredpixel.shatteredpixeldungeon

Pixel Dungeon is based upon BRogue.


BRogue is based on Angband. https://github.com/bilgincoskun/brogue-android-port/releases/

Angband is based on Moria and Larn and Nethack. Moria is Tolkein's world, Nethack is D&D'ish, and Larn took a whole different theme. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.rephial.xyangband

This version includes several Roguelikes in one, including Sil-Q, the Android port of Moria.

The Android port of Larn (dLarn) is available at - https://download.appsonwindows.com/b/dLarn_free-v3.3-appsonwindows.com.apk?a=azJIZDl2QyttREIxend4L0tyblQwdz09&b=ZmlJL1paUmowSkdDY25XVy9SbGRlTDdreDhhWFc5WWk5NWJORXNrSWN5L1hOamFkWUZsZ21UVVVhSDlwWWtPa2hiT0VIZmQrQ2drTHZoSXJlZ3p4cjNnVlhvWDFSNnNocU1qM0xwcEVKcFk9&c=VkZzUkZ5QjlwQmxrOFJmSWNqR1EvZ3A5MDlSN3I3ZHk4WDFTZ1ZEVnFmQT0&d=4bf63e00

Moria is based on Rogue. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=org.rufe.moria

"Roguelike Classic" is the only APK I know to include direct ports of Moria, Larn, and Rogue to Android. Sadly, it uses .SO libraries that are no longer supported since Android 11. Mines of Moria does not hold very true to the original Dungeons of Moria. uMoria is not available for Android. Finally, I found Sil. This is an Android port of Moria that holds very true to Tolkein's work, but it is for x86 hardware only. Fortunately, Sil was redone as Sil-Q (silk), and is included in the above Angband apk.

The original UNIX version of Rogue (1978-1980) will not run on modern devices, and the only 2 known Android ports of the 1984-1985 DOS version stopped working at Android 11. The DOS version can be run in an emulator such as MagicDOSBox on Android. The versions up to 1984 were primarily text based, or, if one had a computer powerful enough they could select an ANSI or ASCII sudo graphics mode. It can also be played online. One must register an account before playing. https://rlgallery.org:8080/

A modern Android port can be found in Dungeon Crawl. https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.crawlmb&hl=en

In 2015, one of the largest roundups of Roguelikes took place and more than 700 versions were archived. https://archive.org/details/RoguelikeMegaCollection2015

The anual 7 Day Roguelike Challenge adds about 10 new games each year.

About the same time, Pixel Dungeon was bursting onto the scene for Android and not even mentioned in that archive at the time.

A decade later, and there is now well over 300 version's of Pixel Dungeon! That makes for over a thousand roguelikes.

Dial-up Multi User Dungeon's (MUD's), network roguelikes such as Diablo, and MMORPG's such as World of Warcraft are also evolution's of the original Rogue.


Although Nethack wasn't a part of PD, it has been a major influence on all Roguelikes. As I mentioned it, I am posting the Android version.


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