I wondered how they planned on keeping the farms going without immigrants. Anyone who has a problem can be put in “wellness farms”. Awesome.
There are IPTV options out there too. Their apps usually work with whatever device you have. Just sign up and get the app.
Get the democrats out applauding this decision and it’ll be changed in no time
They aren’t afraid of negative attention, at least it’s some attention and people will know they have maps too
To be vegan you need fruits and vegetables, those farms are impacted too. I’m not sure what the plan is, make Americans pick up labour? Maybe start serving ze bugs?
They map the whole world, index hundreds of billions of websites, but maintaining a calendar is “not sustainable”.
Thanks a lot! Trump rule 34 brings up porn because rule 34 of the internet. Do not recommend.
I’m sure the embassy will come with it’s own police force like they have in Canada.
He needs to dumb it down for his followers
I love the enthusiasm but the movement would immediately be labelled as woke and a lot of people would start eating more animals just to “own the libs”
I think the question is to deport them or not. And if they had it better where they were they probably wouldn’t have left.
You’d be better off asking if any concepts of such a plan exists.