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In the futuristic world of Psycho-Pass, law enforcement is equipped with high-tech firearm, named Dominators. It is able to scan a target's Psycho-Pass and change form according to their Crime Coefficient. It has various modes such as Non-Lethal Paralyzer, which fires non-lethal rounds that immobilizes the target, Lethal-Eliminator which fires a vaporizing shot which cleanly disposes of the target, and Destroy Decomposer that is mainly used against non-organic targets.

Should the target's Crime Coefficient be insufficient for enforcement, the gun will lock itself, preventing it from being fired, even if the enforcement officer's judgement determines otherwise.

CorrectionUm actually ... Eliminator does not cleanly dispose of the target. When shot, the target will swell and explode into a gory mess.


A iconic series requires a iconic villain. Dio is a key figure in many parts of the JoJo series, with many equally memorable lines. In part 1, it includes 'but it was me, Dio', 'do you remember how many bread you ate?', "I reject my humanity".

When he reappeared in part 3 and gained his stand, iconic phrases includes "Za Warudo", "I see you are approaching me", and his "Muda barrage" that spans a staggering 7 out of the 19 pages of the chapter in the manga.

CorrectionUm actually ... Dio did not perform the Muda barrage that spans 7 pages. That was performed by Giorno against Cioccolata instead.


Mao Mao challenged Lakan to a Xiang Qi match, in exchange for him buying a courtesan if Mao Mao wins. Mao Mao prepared 5 cups of liquor, with 3 laced with a dose of poison, where 3 doses would be lethal. Mao Mao was no match for Lakan and lost the first two rounds, thus drank two cups. Lakan, to avoid the potential lethal dose for Mao Mao, threw the third round and drank one glass. He noticed the awful taste of the poison and thus was confident in winning the upcoming rounds. However, he underestimated the potency of the poison, leading him unable to continue the match just from a single cup and thus forfeiting it.

CorrectionUm actually ... He did not fall prey to the poison.

He has low tolerance for liquor and it was the alcohol content that done him in.


When Eggsy enlisted in Kingsman, Merlin gave each one of them a body bag and instructed them to write the their names and the details of their next of kin. This is to acknowledge the risk associated and strict confidentiality of the organization. Roxy played it off as a "classic army technique" to scare new cadets. However, they come to a grim realization in their first test, where the room is suddenly flooded with water, leading to the death of Amelia.

CorrectionUm actually ... Amelia did not die.

Galahad later revealed that she was a plant setup by the organization. They were testing the cadets limits but without risking lives; similar to the other tasks, how there was no missing parachute in a later task, or that blanks were used to shoot the dogs.


After being frustrated about being treated like a child, Barnacle Boy broke his friendship with Mermaid Man. He became Barnacle Man, and joined Man Ray and the Dirty Bubble, forming group E.V.I.L: the Elite Villain Interspecies Legion.

CorrectionUm actually ... E.V.I.L does not represent that. It means Every Villain Is Lemons (though "Villain" was misspelled on the TV).


Even in Generation I, there is various ways of evolving a Pokemon. One of these methods is via various evolution stones introduced in the generation itself, which are the Fire Stone, Water Stone, Thunder Stone, Leaf Stone and Moon Stone.

And the Pokemon that is heavily influenced by these stones is Eevee. In Generation I, it evolves into Flareon via the Fire Stone, Vaporeon via the Water Stone and Jolteon via the Thunder Stone. In Generation IV, when Leafeon is introduced, Eevee can evolve into it via the Leaf Stone.

However, till date, there is no evolution for Eevee via the Moon Stone.

CorrectionUm actually ... Eevee does not evolve into Leafon via Leaf Stone in Generation IV.

That method is only introduced in Generation VIII.

Prior to that, you would need to level up Eevee near a Moss Rock.


A Pyscho-Pass is a scan of a person's mental state by the Sibyl System. It is deeply ingrained in society, being used to determine a person's career and academic prospect, and even for law enforcement purposes. To overthrow the system, Makishima Shogo invented a helmet that fabricates a low crime coefficient for its wearer. This allows the wearer to trespass and commit crimes without being stopped by security bots and Psycho-Pass scanners. The distribution of this helmet ultimately lead to numerous riots which created chaos for his next plans.

CorrectionUm actually ... It does not fabricate a Psycho-Pass.

Fabricating a Psycho-Pass is too intensive to be achieved. It instead copies the cleanest Pyscho-Pass from another person within proximity.


After the protagonist boarded the oil freighter which is actually Strength, they faced its Stand user, a giant monkey. It is highly intelligent and demonstrate human-like behaviours, such as smoking cigarettes, solving Rubik's cube and lusting over the young girl Anne while she's showering. It was a formidable foe as it is able to phase through the ship and even managed to restrain Jotaro. However, Jotaro managed to defeat it, after freeing himself by provoking it and extended his "Star Finger" to launch a coat button into its head.

CorrectionUm actually ... It was not a giant monkey It was an orangutan, which is technically an ape.


The "Titan injection" is a fluid speculated to be synthesized from Titan spinal fluids, appeared at several plot points. When injected, it converts anyone (without the Power of the Titans) into a Pure Titan. The syringe was introduced in fragments of Eren's memory, where Grisha injects him to pass him the power of the Attack Titan. Later, we see Rod Reiss attempt employ it to have Historia regain the Founding Titan from Eren. It was also used to save Armin who was mortally wounded, by turning him into a titan, then gaining the Colossus Titan. We also learnt much later that Marley uses it on convicted Eldians, turning them into Pure Titans to roam Paradis Island.

CorrectionUm actually ... The injection doesn't converts anyone into a Titan. It only affects Subjects of Ymir.

submitted 5 months ago* (last edited 5 months ago) by to c/

After Undead learnt about the curse of Izumo Fuuko and knowing that it would be useful in killing him, he brought her to his abandoned hospital hideout. There, he tested various aspects of the curse. However, he was interrupted when the organization infiltrated their base and ambushed him. The conflict ended when Fuuko kissed him and caused a lightning strike to zap both Undead and the assailant, defeating the foe.

CorrectionUm actually ... The kiss didn't cause a lightning strike. The lightning is caused by him cutting her hair.

The kiss caused a meteorite to obliterate the hideout.


The anime adaptation, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, follows similar story-beats as its source material and movie adaption. Scott first meets Ramona in his dreams, then goes to Julie's party, sees Ramona and tries to make small talks but fails. Later, he orders a package from to meet her again, where they agreed to a date. The date ended with them sleeping together. The plot diverges during the fight with Matthew Patel, where instead of beating Matthew like in the graphic novel and movie, he lost and (supposedly) died. Following that, it revolves around Ramona trying to ascertain Scott's where-about.

CorrectionUm actually ... Scott didn't use in the anime adaptation. He used Netflix instead.


In Balatro, you play various poker hands to score points. Apart from standard poker hands, there are some non-conventional ones which are not possible with a standard deck of cards. These are Five of a Kind, Flush House and Flush Five. Perhaps due to the amount of deck manipulation to achieve it, Flush Five boasts the highest base Chip and Mult, as well as the highest Chip scaling and Mult scaling of all the hands.

CorrectionUm actually ... While Flush Five does have the highest base Chips and Mults (160 Chips and 16 Mult), and Chips scaling, it does not have the highest Mult scaling.

It scales by +50 Chips and +3 Mult, but Straight Flush and Flush House scales by +40 Chips and +4 Mult.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

Ah right. I think my correction wasn't clear. The point of contention is whether there is a single building with the GYM label. I've clarified the correction.

[–] 1 points 6 months ago

I thought about that reasoning, but if we go through the dialogue by the boat, we see that neither did Fugo expresses leaving the team (he is only against going on a "suicide mission" against the boss), nor did Bucciarati excommunicated anyone for not embarking on the mission.

[–] 1 points 7 months ago

Yea, but the statement is specifically talking about stand names.

[–] 3 points 7 months ago* (last edited 7 months ago) (1 children)

what you wrote didn’t say that the first gym you encounter is Brock

It's a bit complex of a construction for the correction.

My idea was that it is a composite of 2 statements which makes it factually incorrect.

the player tackles the Gyms in the order they encounter them

starts with beating Brock

These statements together, implies that the first gym encountered is Brock.

But point taken, not sure why I didn't just say that the first gym encountered was Brock's. It feels a bit round-about now that I think about it. I've improve the OP accordingly, thanks for the feedback.

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