
joined 5 months ago
[–] 4 points 1 month ago* (last edited 1 month ago)

Regarding the lack of Filipino backlash to that campaign, the leading communist party is in Protracted People’s War, so I doubt being an open communist or moderately critical of imperialism publicly is a safe endeavour.

This one is bothering me in particular. I don't think any demands would be particularly revolutionary or anti-imperialist, it would just be rudimentary like demanding the U.S to hold the officials responsible for the campaign accountable and punish them (Since there doesn't seem to be any indication that the officials responsible were even disciplined or demoted) something that I can see bog-standard liberals doing.

I've also done some other research about anti-US protests (at least in the US embassy) in the Philippines and found:

2014? - 2016 Protests against US troops in the Philippines

2022 Protests against Biden supporting the newly elected president Marcos due to the elections being corrupt and rigged

2023-2024 Pro-Palestine Protests

2025 - Anti-Trump Protests.

(I might have missed some others, I'll wait for Philippine users to correct me)

What is most interesting is that there doesn't seem to be any more recent anti-US military protests in the Philippines, even though the US has further expanded it's presence there recently.

I think this is indicative of how US uses propaganda. The US doesn't care how the Philippines views it, it only seems to care that it can use the Philippines as a stepping stone for its imperialism and military presence.

It seems to focus more on slandering China to make it appear that the US is the only good option and that the Philippines has no other choice but to side with it and it also justify its military presence there.

2014? - 2016 range also represents the evolution of the "Pivot to Asia Policy" into the "Indo-Pacific strategy", perhaps the lack of major or significant protests beyond that represents the maturation and solidification of US influence in the Philippines, perhaps by using soft power to justify US presence there and prevent protests from happening. (Although, I don't know what kind of control the US has on Philippine media outlets)

The US knows it can't use too much propaganda or control in the Philippines otherwise the Philippines would get too suspicious and weary. So the US prioritizes stopping any Anti-US military sentiment over things like Pro-Palestine sentiment (I don't think there is much the Philippines can do to impede Israel in the first place)

I think this was one of the moments the US used its control in the Philippines and why the "DoD sinovacc misinformation" news didn't seem to become particularly popular in the Philippines. Because the Philippines would start asking questions like:

Does the US care about the defense of the Philippines or does it only see it as a sacrificial pawn against China

When I was checking Philippine media they seemed to be more concerned over China in the SCS, so this could be one of the US tactics, to deflect and distract attention.


Alright it is late at night where I am in and this is probably going to have a bunch of spelling and grammar errors, but I need to get this off my mind with this post

After mentioning it it this post it stayed rent-free in my mind for a while and I've developed a few thoughts about it

  1. Bread and circuses

This was originally "discovered" by Reuters investigations and was subsequently covered by several other major corporate media outlets, but something about it seems very controlled. First, coverage seems to vary sparingly. There doesn't seem to be any mention of it in major outlets like the BBC or CNN. It seems the NYT has an article about it, but it's only a subscriber opinion piece.

Also, I've noticed that the outlets that cover it seem very dry. usually in stuff like this, they bring it some "expert" from "Burger-fart-institute-of-not-Fed-funded-org" who voices "their" opinion of the situation, stuff like its "strategic implications", but the articles that cover this only show the reaction of various officials but almost no actual commentary.

What I'm trying to show is this is how the US controls the narrative, not truly by censorship (but they will resort to that, like what we have seen with the pro-Palestine/Gaza protests), but more of a bread and circus act. And by the looks of it, it has succeeded.

The U.S gov doesn't truly need to censor stuff like this, because the public has been "defanged" to like this and won't do anything significant about it (they didn't even do protests), the public seems to tamed with some open-washing and the idea that "at lest we know what atrocities the government has committed".

I'm reminded of this Maxim "At least we can talk about it", while it's a joke, it does encapsulate the mindset of people like Americans.

These "free speech" advocates seem to view free speech as the end, rather than a means to an end! What is the point of "free speech" if you don't have any real will to act!

Of course, another tactics is using fall guys, saying "It happened under Trump, but Biden stopped it!"

Let's just ignore other things like the "fake Hepatitis vaccination campaign in Pakistan" which happened under Obama or Bidens list of crimes.

A sad attempt to pin the blame on a gross symptom rather than the true sickness that causes and perpetuates it, the system itself.

  1. Us bot army implications

A more significant was an admission that the Pentagon's Psyops include running a troll army.

"The Department of Defense (DoD) conducts a wide range of operations, including operations in the information environment (OIE), to counter adversary malign influence. DoD activities, including OIE, conducted outside areas of armed conflict are coordinated and deconflicted with other departments and agencies, as appropriate. This process is deliberate, methodical, and comprehensive," DoD Spokesperson Lisa Lawrence told TASS.

Of course the Pentagon tries to defend itself

"As it relates to Covid-19 disinformation, China [in 2020] initiated a disinformation campaign to falsely blame the United States for the spread of Covid-19," Lawrence noted. "In line with the US National Defense Strategy, the DoD continues to build integrated deterrence against critical challenges to US national security, including deterring the PRC’s spread of disinformation under the scrutiny of the Department’s coordination and deconfliction process," she said.

Just don't ask why they didn't just use the troll army to refute the "Chinese disinformation" online and instead just used it to spread inarguably worse disinformation that got people KILLED.

Meanwhile, this bot army is very likely still active, just that it doesn't talk about COVID anymore (and hopefully at least doesn't put public health at risk)

According to the document, the Pentagon also conceded it had “made some missteps in our COVID related messaging” but assured the Philippines that the military “has vastly improved oversight and accountability of information operations” since 2022.

According to the June 25 document, Pentagon officials concluded its anti-vax campaign was “misaligned with our priorities.” It says the U.S. military told Filipino officials that operatives “ceased COVID-related messaging related to COVID-19 origins and COVID-19 vaccines in August 2021.”

While I don't like calling people "Feds" or "Bots", it really does feel like some of the online accounts are really actually "Feds" or "Bots"

  1. US vassals

Now lets talk about that country that got fucked in this situation, the Philippines.

I know that the Philippines is involved in the SCS dispute with China in particular, and have poor relations.

But it seems that this situation got entirely swept under the rug by the Philippine government, media, and people.

I've tried to see Philippine media outlets and government to gauge their reaction, and it seems the media don't really talk or mention it frequently too, the government has originally claimed to prosecute the Pentagon but it seemed nothing came of it, and I haven't seen any reports or protests in the Philippines calling for Pentagon officials to be held accountable. (can any Philippine users/comrades hopefully correct me if I'm wrong?)

This should be a huge turning point where the Philippines questions it relationship with the US. It should question if the US legitimately cares about the defense of the Philippines or if it only sees it as a sacrificial pawn against China (especially since the Philippines has a defense pact with the US and has US army bases there) But it doesn't seem like any major reflection has actually happened.

I am genuinely curious if this is the amount of influence the US has on its vassal, or if this a only the case of the Philippines due to other factors (i,e being colonized by the US)

What should we do?

Well, I dont know, we really can't do anything against the Pentagon, but I have a few suggestions. Maybe try to spread awareness of this? maybe in the Philippines too? I don't man, im just tired Ill check up on this post soon

sigh (
submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/


'Nuff said (
[–] 0 points 2 months ago (2 children)

REDnote (Xiaohongshu)

[–] 0 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Oh yeah, that Vaccine misinformation one was the recent one that was publicly acknowledged, so there could be a lot of other bot/trolls armies we don't know about :(

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

I think this is one possible outcome that no-one seems to be talking about

The US might ruin XHS by using a bot/troll army to spur conflict and hate there. The US DoD has admitted to launching a disinformation campaign using hundreds of fake accounts to discredit Sinovac. So it won't be surprising if they try a similar tactic of using bots and fake accounts in XHS especially since there would be fewer qualms.

This is short, but I'm just sharing my concerns...


Better understanding of racism than most liberals



I've documented an "alleged" bot before, which got me curious about how active "Chinese bots" are in social media in the first place, is there any good resources like research about this? I feel this might be relevant since Sinophobes might accuse the XHS (REDnote) user base of being "bots"

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Interestingly enough, I think I saw some Indian users there.

submitted 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) by to c/

Something something don't throw rocks in glass houses...


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