Luckily you can change it on Lemmy
Nu kan jeg snakke lidt ud fra erfaring, ganske nok er det "indhegnet og krypteret" men de data jeg sad med i mit team var klonet til et testmiljø som blev låst bag det nu infamøse kodeord Netcompany123. Næsten alle andre systemer havde et lignende testsetup og alle brugte samme kodeord til testserverne da det ellers ville være "for kompliceret" at flytte konsulenter fra et projekt til et andet (ja, det er en stor fed løgn da du kan fixe det med ordentlig SSO, men det var nu det man gjorde da jeg arbejdede ved Netcompany).
Så Netcompanys sikkerhed er bare tåbeligt ringe.
Eh, everything points to a mistake. Bitwarden not only rectified it ASAP but also made the switch to GPLv3. The latter is not just something you do to please people, you need to understand the legal ramifications it can have on your business, so it very likely was a change that's been discussed before all of this.
Meanwhile in Family Guy
That's illegal in EU
Nice. Now make a TV that doesn't need updates. Hint: Drop the internet connection.
Linux, Gimp, Blender.
"Our business model isn't sustainable unless we remove worker rights"
Every time I turn to politics. Our ex justice minister once said:
Surveillance is freedom
I'm not kidding. Word for word, that's what he said.
I'm sorry to inform you that there might be some content leaking through your ads.
Water written backwards spells retaw. If you adjust it a little it says retard. Are you gonna take being called a retard by water? Ban water today and stop the insults!
You might even be able to sell a "solution" to the inefficiency you created out of profitability.