
joined 2 months ago
[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Nice, thanks. I've actually ended up settling on the Eternity app. I used its Reddit sibling, Infinity for a long time, so I'm finding my way around pretty easily at this point. I'm sure I'll start making use of sort more once I've got a bit more lurking in and I've seen what there is to see.

[–] 3 points 2 months ago

Thank you for the help here. Turns out that "Undetermined" was selected but "English" was de-selected. And in order to select both, you have to ctrl click them, or else it de-selects the other. But the problem seems to be solved now, so thank you very much.

[–] 0 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (4 children)

Apologies for another reply but I just wanted to dump my mounting frustration with this platform somewhere. Now I am, signed up and everything, and if I try to visit this Offmychest sub that is part of, it only loads one single post from 2014. And yet if I access the same Offmychest sub from my account here, I see all the posts. Currently have open in the subreddit on my laptop, via Firefox, so I can confirm that it's not an app issue.

Honestly I dunno anymore. I really wish that this wasn't the only really viable Reddit alternative because I'm getting less and less impressed and more and more frustrated with this fucking place with every moment.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

Thanks for the info but I ended up just signing up with in the mean time. doesn't seem to be what it's advertised as because I even only got the notification for your reply now, besides a bunch of images not loading and communities not showing up search (basically every queer or feminist space I looked up besides long dead communities, suspiciously enough). is already 10x better. Didn't bother with import/export as I wasn't around on the old server enough. And I'd rather start over subscribing to communities somewhere that's actually going to show me all the communities.

[–] 1 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (7 children)

Apologies if this is a stupid question. I promise I'm not usually tech illiterate but this whole setup is new to me. How do I transfer my account to a new instance? Or do I just have to abandon this one and make a new account there?

Edit: yeah this instance I'm on sucks. Realizing now that it definitely does not let you access everything from there. A lot of communities I've searched for and thought were missing just aren't showing up in's search results. Here I was thinking that there wasn't even a functional non-binary community in the lemmyverse or fediverse or whatever.

Aaand it looks like I found my answer. From what I can tell, the Lemmy devs consider import/export as good enough / the same thing as transferring a profile so they're just going to ignore the issue and never attempt to implement it. So I guess new account it is.

[–] 24 points 2 months ago (5 children)

then your genuine intolerance is out there on display

Did you really just "so much for the tolerant left" me? Hilarious. Thanks for the laugh, considering where this conversation started. I'll put it to you this way seeing as the concept seems so difficult for you to understand. If you go around condemning gay people to burning for eternity and telling women things like "your body, my choice" then I am not going to respect you because you clearly have no respect for anyone else.

And just to clear things up in case this is the reason that you're taking it so personally, when I say "you", I am not pointing a finger at you, I am using it in a general sense, talking about the people that do these things.

You arrived here telling me that my first comment was actually about right wingers while calling yourself a centrist, but you've already started clutching your pearls just because I don't want to ever meet in the middle with hateful bigots and tried to shame me into changing my position by pulling "iNTolERant LEft" schtick. So I dunno.

[–] 30 points 2 months ago* (last edited 2 months ago) (8 children)

That's not a Centrist viewpoint at all. That's a solidly right viewpoint.

Well then all I can say is that there's a fair number of right wing people that consider themselves 'centrists' either dishonestly or genuinely believing it. It's actually what I was going for by putting centrist in quotations.

But something that I will never go near the centre on is human rights (whatever that looks like). For example, women should have full rights over their own bodies and not have to die in hospitals when something goes wrong because doctors don't want to risk harming a foetus (that ends up dying along with her anyway), trans people should be allowed to exist without fear and persecution from other people that can't mind their own damn business and everyone should be able to choose their religion or lack thereof. For me personally, these are the kinds of things that are more important than the price of eggs. And anyone that ignores those issues because of the price of eggs, does in fact look pretty similar to a MAGA to me.

As far as the slippery slope goes, I believe in no tolerance for the intolerant. Once you've shown that you just will not give other people the respect that you personally want, you don't deserve it.

[–] 24 points 2 months ago

Personally, I don't buy this echo chamber shit. Before social media, you choose your spaces and your company and did not have to put up with random jackasses butting into your conversations to tell you how much they hate gay people or whatever.

The abnormal thing is this expectation that we're all supposed to meet in the middle with any asshole at all times. I'm happy with a townhall meeting once in a while but I don't want to or need to put up with bigots and people who are otherwise socio-politically the opposite of me on a daily basis.

I want to be in the company of people that don't make me feel like shit and who I can see eye to eye with. That's not being closed minded or wanting an echo chamber, that's normal.

[–] 5 points 2 months ago

I would recommend jdownloader for It's very clunky software but does the job. Another problem with torrents from is that they often seen to only include a portion of the actual content. For example, if there's 80gb of content, the torrent only has 20gb. I used to think it was just big stuff that this happens with but I've even come across an album that was like 150mb but the torrent only included the first two songs. And no one there seems to be interested in ever fixing it because this has been an issue for ages on that website. I'm afraid that torrents from are just too unreliable.

[–] 2 points 2 months ago

I did that with Jerboa and just got server errors. So I didn't even bother trying with Sync. Gonna give it a go now, thanks.

[–] 73 points 2 months ago (20 children)

'Centrists' don't help much either because they too hold the left to a higher standard than the right and always seem to be looking for any excuse to whip out the ol' "so much for the tolerant left" so that they can feel better about themselves when they vote for who they really wanted to vote for anyway.

People on the right can say in plain English "I want to dismantle women's rights and put all gay people into camps" and the 'centrist' will be like "hmmm yes that seems like a valid political opinion". But the moment someone on the left drops the high road shit for once and bites back, the 'centrist', clutching pearls is like "See? This is why I'm supporting the bigots that hate everyone, because you SWORE and that's unacceptable!"

[–] 5 points 2 months ago (4 children)

Is this something that's incorrect to do around here? From what I can tell, has one single community and the whole deal is that you're supposed to able to access anything from there? Although I've already come across a post suggesting that there's some sort of server wars going on around here so I'm starting to wonder if this is actually the place for me. I just want to post and talk shit, not worry about the url I'm coming from or tip toe around in case I stumble into some war that I know nothing about.


Thought that I would start off my first post in this place by getting this off my chest. In case anyone is wondering why more people haven't flocked to Lemmy yet, this has been my experience so far.

Last night I decided to give this place a shot and sign up, just to be met with a join page that was mostly unresponsive and didn't want to load anything. I ended up giving up and going to bed but thankfully by the morning, the web page had listed the possible servers for me to join.

So, especially after my experience the night before, I thought that the server that has in its description "recommended for users to join this server to reduce load" was a good start.

Then it came to looking for apps. I thought that the app with the description "made by Lemmy devs" would pair well with the server recommended to new users. Only to find that the server that I joined isn't even listed in the app when I try to sign in. And that manually typing it does nothing but give "server error" responses as well.

So now here I am, typing this from my laptop, wondering how many other people try to join this platform and give up after the first couple of hoops that need jumping through first. I'm hoping that eventually I will find the right server and app combo to give me an actual complete, working experience but so far my experience here has been a little bit ridiculous.

Anyway, glad I got that off my chest. Hi Lemmy, just a Reddit refugee hoping to make a home here, once I've got this absolute circus of trying to get going here in the first place behind me.

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