[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 29 points 9 months ago

Definitely recommend brother. No fuss, just works.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 70 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

It just feels wrong, and I can’t quite explain why.

It's essentially throwing a slab of meat into an arena and watching the starved poors fight to the death over it, then watching while you're served the equivalent of thanksgiving dinner by your butler/maids in a safe climate controlled room.

There comes a point where "philanthropy" simply becomes rich people making games for the poors to win a "prize" and seeing how they react for their own entertainment rather than any sort of benevolence. The lambo example seems pretty much spot on for that.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 19 points 1 year ago

In broad strokes, yeah. I'd even consider older, more traditional forms like forums and IRC/BBS to be proto forms of social media. As long as the internet exists there will be social media, what form it takes is malleable depending on the desires of the userbase at hand.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 35 points 1 year ago

Nothing. Policy makers are just using their "think of the children" defense to constantly push more and more overreaching policy.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 11 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Apple just wants to get in on the ground floor so they can shape the legislation to benefit themselves. There's no way in hell a company as blatantly anti-repair as apple has suddenly decided to shift it's priorities when it makes them absolute bank.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 45 points 1 year ago

At this point i'm convinced it's more about the fact these higher ups have skin in the real estate game. They either know the people who lease their properties, or are heavily invested in the property itself. So they can't get past the mental block that is the sunk cost fallacy to just ditch it, or lose "good boy points" with their rich peers by saying they don't need the property anymore.

I guess it's also harder to brag to your rich friends how big your company is when you have less physical locations too, but at this point i'm just grasping. The amount of money these companies could save it massive, but they just absolutely refuse to do it for whatever reason.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 17 points 1 year ago

I'm convinced many of them fail you on purpose so they do multiples of them. Increasing the amount of training per user.

My favorites are the ones i used to get on dread, jesus christ i've never sworn so much trying to do something so simple, it was ridiculous.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 16 points 1 year ago

Political theatre to make it seem like they're doing something about the issue. When in reality, nothing changes.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 13 points 1 year ago* (last edited 1 year ago)

Not OP, but personally i got bored of windows and wanted more control over my OS, especially as internet surveillance and data harvesting continue to be on the rise.

In my opinion a lot of the pushback comes from the fact that most distributions(especially recommended starters like Mint) don't come with the packages you need for gaming out of the box. Things like Lutris/vkd3d/gamescope/dxvk/gamemode/mangohud/WINE/ProtonGE, etc.

As someone who shifted to linux over the past year or so there was a metric fuckload of things i needed to learn and things i needed to tweak, especially when things went wrong. To the point i have over 10-20k character count tutorials i wrote for myself whenever i need to reinstall from scratch. These days i can get everything up and running fairly quickly, but that initial learning experience wasn't all fun and games for sure.

I had a leg up by already having my feet wet in linux server/virtual machines, but for someone who's coming directly from windows with zero experience and wants things to just work out of the box i can see why so many aren't interested. It doesn't help nvidia drivers are still horrible(in terms of desktop feel) for one of the most popular desktop environments for windows converts out there, KDE. Don't get me started on how you somehow need to know to disable compositing(or toggle via hotkey constantly like i do when i'm forced to use xorg instead of wayland) if you have more than one monitor in KDE or else your FPS will effectively halve itself.

Linux as a whole has a MASSIVE user experience problem if you want to do anything outside of basic office work and web browsing. Distributions like Garuda(my personal choice) help a lot because they give you the ability to have all of that stuff in the OOBE or an easy to use GUI, but that still only goes so far when little niggling issues crop up and you effectively need to relearn your entire workflow. It's just not something everybody is willing to do for the sake of not having Satya Nadella know when and where they poop.

My biggest hope is valve finally publishing SteamOS as an actual desktop OS. Because i know they could do it well as they seem to be keenly aware of the needs of the average gaming user, unlike most distribution maintainers these days which just assume you're a linux intermediate by default and have completely forgotten the long and arduous path to mastery the OS requires compared to rock-dead-simple windows.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 15 points 1 year ago

NEC makes some TVs where you can slot in a pi as the host OS, so i'd say that's probably the best "smart" TV as it has an OS of your choosing.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 16 points 1 year ago

Yep. There's a reason whenever i install an adblocker for a friend or family member they suddenly and mysteriously no longer "get viruses" anymore.

Ad blocking is a security measure, because these ad networks have zero accountability for what you are shown. I will never in a million years allow ads onto my network intentionally. If i deem a service good enough that i think they deserve my money, i grab some merch or throw them a donation. It gives them more than tens of thousands of my ad impressions ever would.

[-] Zeron@lemmy.world 33 points 1 year ago

Chances are most companies aren't going to make two separate production lines with and without a removable battery. The cost likely outweighs the profit i'd wager. Much like how we see apple finally begrudgingly moving to USB-C despite no NA law requiring them to do so.

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