The Cons could run anyone. It doesn't matter. "Not Trudeau" will win the next election.
I can't get high rn, I'll freak out.
Might as well ask, the worst he can do is say no.
They can't even stop their own guys sprinting off across the DMZ.
I know this is screaming into the void on a 4chan community, but if you're smashing electronics in fits of rage you should probably go to therapy.
Divorce is sin, side chicks are fine. Got it.
I'm in a Magic: The Gathering card."
Competing early humans (neanderthals, etc.) would be my guess. I've also heard it makes us not want to go near corpses.
Trust me, we've all mentioned it to him. He's convinced nobody likes him because he's a conservative.
This whole thing is especially heartbreaking because at its core, the game is great. Running around and shooting feels better then Halo has in a long time. It was just ruined by corporate fuckery.
I'm glad Trump is putting a stop to US elections so I can finally stop hearing about them