Then what is socialism? What does a socialist society look like?
Does anyone else see "removed" in this comment? Is the instance editing comments to censor certain words or is it just the user?
Idea Fight! Idea Fight!
Ooh, perhaps also a George-as-Clippy emoji?
Nyan Cat, but different
Saying its actual reality ignores the fact that reality can change. Especially the ones inhabited by humans.
Are you in Local or All?
Idk what definition of commodity you are using, but I will say that it seems that by wikipedia's definition something like food or manufactured goods are more of a commodity than land, something that can not be created.
I would agree that housing is a commodity though, so long as there is more land to build it on.
Egalitarianism? Just as ambiguously defined too!
This guy urban designs!
Huh... is flatpak consistency behind snap when it comes to updates?
But from the perspective of someone at the top of the stairs, wouldn't it be the radical right?