All the "luxury" clothes with big logos are low tier variants and the really luxury ones have more decent design.
At least that's what I've heard, I don't buy "luxury" brands, I like my clothes clean and brand free.
Was this meme created in MSPaint on Wine?
I get vegancirclejerk posts in my feed and in most cases I am not sure if these posts are serious or just making fun of vegans. Most of the time it looks like troll posts. It's more like a meat-hate cult.
Because Jesus was obviously white, duh!
☝️ + DeArrow to replace clickbait thumbnails.
I hate this wording choise, that "Turn off windows copilot" - Enabled, actually means that copilot is disabled. Confusing and unintuitive. It should say just "windows Copilot: Enabled/Disabled". Why is MS like this?
I was for long a long time using Kernighan style, but recently switched to Allman. Everything is suddenly more readable. It's a journey.
I kind of understand the appeal of blueprints, for small projects and quick proof of concept maybe. But never understood how can anyone do any serious or complex work with it. It just felt so limitting when I tried it in Unreal, never bothered with plugins for unity.
It just works™
And what is more disturbing is that this is (if true) from stock image site. So they paid for this. 🤦