M is roman numerals for thousands, so MM is a thousand thousands = million.
Friendly reminder for others that you can setup this quite easily with home assistant and conditional notification alerts. I do it with my govee. Open. Source. Everything.
Wrong. Actor isn't gendered.
Sounds like a fucking terrible direction to take your software development into if it's so difficult to provide support for the simplest OS of the three.
FOSS is the only answer. Fuck capitalism. Fuck paid software.
Does anyone have a list of which apps are going to get the axe?
All rights are won through violence, child.
The country is about to go down the shitter because democracy means picking between two geriatric boomers.
Wonderful! Just wonderful. Meanwhile -- no fix for, housing, education, income inequality, stock market run amok, global warming, transportation....
That's because of that grandstanding cunt, Bobby Barrelroll.
Not if you're a defense contractor. Now they have more money than the government and tell it what to do. Isn't capitalism great?!
A girl I dated a few years ago basically went from gainfully employed to poverty without changing any of her behaviors thanks to Lyft just continuously sucking ass and reneging on every perk and pay structure. I have no idea what she's doing now but I doubt it's driving. I hope she's getting a fat settlement check.
what the bootlicking shit is this?