And I suppose your solution is keep electing the same people that got us into the problems that we have? Liberals love to try to silence dissent, infantilize anyone that disagrees with them, there's a reason there's a saying that starts off 'scratch a liberal'
I'm not the one with the protest vote. It's you guys that are voting against something. A vote cast against something is a vote of protest
Did we not watch the same debate?
If I had dirt on someone that speculated about drone killing me, I would have no problem releasing that dirt. WikiLeaks has never had to retract a story or cables because of bad information, even the DNC couldn't refute the authenticity of the DNC cables.
They did the right thing when they needed votes, not because it was the right thing to do.
The thing is republicans dont have to cheat, the blue wing of fascism gives them everything they want. In rhetoric they are Pelosi ripping up her copy of Trumps SOTU, In action that very same day she gave him his requested military budget and threw in a few billion extra for good measure.
You are already a second class citizen to the US government. In this country you either have money or you dont. Anyone without it is treated as a second class citizen, and has no representation in government.
The difference is republicans dont pretend to care.
Whatever helps you sleep at night
Germans or Italians of 1942 probably didn't think their government was fascist either.
BlueMAGA runs deep
Clinton's piped piper strategy still fucking us over