You got me curious so I did a little digging. My guess is it was never released, because Hoyt Axton did the theme song (My My My My Mitchell) but it doesn’t show up on his discography as an album or single. I suppose it’s possible they released a soundtrack without it, but that seems like it would have been even more of a flop.
joined 1 year ago
In 2025, what features do you want in a terminal emulator? (that currently aren't widely available or at all)
Technology and cargo are now completely separate inventories, so any technology you had installed in your general inventory needs to be reinstalled in your technology inventory.
As a way of compensating for this nerf, they also added supercharged slots, which provide a buff to the technology installed in that slot. These are randomly laid out. Higher class equipment has more supercharged slots, but you may need to add slots to uncover all of the supercharged slots.
Code written in Rust has been shown to have significantly fewer security vulnerabilities than code written in C. Distributions like Ubuntu ship a lot of security updates, so by switching to Rust-based utils, they can reduce their workload in the long run.