That's funny, considering iran by itself is imperialistic. Or is it convenient to ignore because they're on your side?
ארך ארך ארך
On a side note - I truly wish for more peaceful days, where the Palestinians could also live in peace. But that cannot happen as long as they wish for my death.
I see no problem with limiting my being in lemmy to 10 minutes a day, I comment when I feel like it. Troll? Only when it comes to shitposting. This is not the case.
Last I checked I was not the one supporting aid stealing, gay beheading, murderers and rapists. Once you open your eyes to what's really happening, you'd see the way to support the Palestinians (really) is to remove hamas and give them actual hopes for the future.
This would also require to stop the education system where they are basically brainwashed that killing Jews is the way to go. Check it out, fun stuff. Israel left gaza in 2005 and they could have built a productive and peaceful country. The only export they had was flying metal pipes and death to all those around them. And before your write "But mah blockade", it wasn't imposed before 2007.
Those are community maintained packages in the first place. Canonical offers extended security updates (plus after the 5 year LTS EOL) for a fee, with 5 machines for free for non-commercial uses.
Very legit IMO
For some reason they still exist in Israel (that is AFAIK, I don't go to shopping centers that much). And I think this was before the closure
Sure I'm with you on that one mate. Just a shitty year, it will pass
Depends. For my country we were on the verge on a civil war, and then a massacre started a real outwards war... Guess the silver lining is we won't have a civil war anytime soon...
You guys are just on 4th?
There's a dissonance between allowing complete freedom without intervention and keeping the market truly free - if an organisation can simply buy all it's competition and expand forever, that's just a monopoly which is a closed market.
As for socialism - I grew up in a kibbutz, which is one of the only examples a successful socialist system (imo). And this too, is time limited. My reasoning being having a small group where everyone know each other and decide to join of their own volition. Most kibbutzim failed after the 3rd generation - people did not want to share anymore (and took some very bad financial decisions).
You see, the problem with us virgin Jews is that we are not fucking