Yeah, nixos is great in some aspects, but a newcomer will be very displeased with a lot of nix specific things. And having quite bad documentation is no help either.
I hope EU steps up and props Ukraine long enough for Russia to collapse. The cracks are showing but the americans just had to be traitors.
We had a blanket ban on abortion/contraception in the 60s in Romania and while initially there was a boom in newborns, it eventually reverted to the norm even if the ban wasn't lifted. So I'm not so sure about that.
You are very optimist people will still have kids in this situation.
Sadly what started as a people's revolution got deturned into a coup d'etat back then: the old guard of the Securitate and high echelon of the Communist party continued (and still continues to a high degree) to have most of the power.
Eh, more or less. I’ll probably be able to afford one in about a year (with a loan ofc), but I make almost double the median salary.
This looks really interesting, is there any catch?
Great work buddy, keep going!
Happy birthday! Thanks for your service and hope you enjoy your day.
Maybe they don’t want to complicate things trying to go with 0 downtime? Even though depending on how proper their infra is that might not be that hard.
I’m really curious how the new CEO will change things.
Shouldn’t this be kept secret until after whatever outcome?