If i wasn't American or I could leave the US and become a citizen elsewhere I probably would do it, Especially if i wasn't disabled and could provide for myself by working a full time job. The thing that keeps me from moving is the fact that while the US currently does suck majorly I earn an income from the state due to my fathers work and my disabilities, one of the few concessions from the US still holding on thus making it possible for me to live here. I can't imagine not living here and choosing to come here knowing what is going on. It would be like watching Germany in its rise to fascism and choosing to visit it while being a soviet citizen and expecting nothing to happen with the knowledge it was happening and is going to happen more.
joined 5 months ago
I can't speak for the entirety of the USA but at least in my neck of the woods the odds of running into someone with anti-china sentiment is extremely high. I try my best to break through to my own family and the few friends I have but even the extremely few left wing people we have in this place struggle to break through the propaganda.
"Two in five UK benefit claimants admit to wanting to commit suicide or harm themselves" should be the title of this.