This is the greatest ad for Twitter ever, hosting content like this. God damn that is amazing.
I found that really compelling, and I'm not even a programming person. Good info for anyone into "right to repair" stuff.
To be fair, I think about this five times before breakfast:
Humans develop AI to perform economic functions, eventually there is an "AI rights" movement and a separate AI nation is founded. It gets into an economic war with humanity, which turns hot. Humans strike first with nuclear weapons, but the AI nation builds dedicated bio- and robo-weapons and wipes out most of humanity, apart from those who are bred in pods like farm animals and plugged into a simulation for eternity without their consent.
Update - probably a false alarm:
The type3 team has confirmed that the code they're serving matches the code they think they should be serving, so likely a false alarm.>
Actual text from the inset ad displayed in my viewing of the article:
Just as cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the financial landscape by enhancing inclusivity and convenience...
Oh my. Thank you.
1 - prove a thing exists (AI doctors) 2 - discuss the properties of a thing (AI doctors)
VISA-blocked AI
How does this even occur to someone? What a weird phrase.
Same with Safari on iOS.
So very many words.
"carving reality at the joints" - does this mean anything?
Only finer-grained concepts like "linoleic acid" are useful for carving reality at the joints.