
joined 2 months ago

Zapit wallet is one of the BCH wallet that I'm using. Though it's not compatible on my phone, I'm downloading the apk version of it directly through their site in order to use the wallet and it's other features like the games.

Unfortunately, because of their last update specifically on their games, the app said that I need to download the latest version already. But the apk one is not yet updated from their site. It's still an old version of Zapit. Patiently waiting for a new version and hopefully it will release soon.

Another thing, despite being busy from other things and at work. I still tried to share some satoshis on tangled through CashStamp. It's really easy create and perfect especially if your planning to do some BCH giveaways or promote it to others.

Let's continue spread BCH, introduced it to others and let's them adopt it. They will surely be amazed on it.

Tips / Donation: bitcoincash:qr7y2z7aetd2s74pv0g78xxc0mkgnpeufg3yel3t8v

Zapit username: chubschubs

Paytaca: bitcoincash:qqjt9fw8685cq3z66zagfpgs2pmgpssydq39jsw43x


BCH PUMP is a site where people can create their own token.

As of now, PUMP is still the top 1 with 83.1% on it's bonding curve. And 66.5% issued. Also, there's already 124 different people who are holding PUMP token.

I also noticed an update on this site. It's already show the address of a user who sold something, the amount of order, and which token has been sold.....

But still, whatever I do, BCH is still number1

Tips / Donation: bitcoincash:qr7y2z7aetd2s74pv0g78xxc0mkgnpeufg3yel3t8v

Zapit address: chubschubs

Paytaca wallet: bitcoincash:qqjt9fw8685cq3z66zagfpgs2pmgpssydq39jsw43x


Paytaca is one of the BCH wallet originated in the Philippines. Most provinces here are now adopting BitcoinCash and been using it as the mode of transaction on their businesses.

Give away a little satoshis gift using paytaca wallet. Posted it on Tangled for others to try paytaca wallet too. Like other BCH wallet, it's fast and easy to use too.

Looking forward to more and more places here in the Philippines that will adopt BitcoinCash. The future is here ........

Tips / Donation: bitcoincash:qr7y2z7aetd2s74pv0g78xxc0mkgnpeufg3yel3t8v

Zapit username: chubschubs

Paytaca: bitcoincash:qqjt9fw8685cq3z66zagfpgs2pmgpssydq39jsw43x


This is really cool... A BitcoinCash vending machine in the Philippines. Ormoc is actually really far from our place / province. But if ever someone will put this in every provinces, BCH adaptation will grow more in the Philippines.


Another user on tangled is celebrating his birthday today. So just like I did on the first one, I also shared a little satoshis and sent it to his Zapit wallet as a simple birthday gift. It's not much but I'm happy that he appreciates it.

Having BCH as part of our life is nice. I may not spend it on purchasing things for now, but I can still spend it as a gift to others. A little gift but a big part in promoting BCH to other people here and on other platforms.

Let's continue to share and support BCH. Teach and guide others on how good BCH was in terms of transaction. Fast sending and receiving, easy to use with the help of BCH wallets, and most importantly with low fees. The future is here....

Tips / Donation: bitcoincash:qq5ca2dpzkrjelqa0kjxjsf4hrryy8nckg7tfkaugm

Zapit username: chubschubs


This is really cool. Some provinces and businesses here in the Philippines are already accepting BCH as mode of payment. Also using paytaca for the fastest and easiest transaction.


Today, I created my very first coin/token through BCHPump. This is actually a new learnings or experience for me in the BCH community.

Anyone can create their unique token. The step by step procedure on how to create one is super easy. Check out the latest post of for the guide.

This token is not listed in cauldron yet but I hope for it's success. I make this to show my support on BCH community. Hoping that more and more people will adopt BCH, use it as a mode of payment or transaction.

Support BCH all the way to it success🚀

Tips / Donation: bitcoincash:qp889mn5j5cup8gp6l86gm8224d7gne24vze88mxr6

Zapit username: chubschubs


My little BCH giveaways continue..... I've been able to giveaway a total of 450,000 satoshis today. Sending through Zapit wallet plus the 2 CashStamp I posted on tangled. This makes other users there to earn some sats, introduce to BCH, try wallets that supports it, and see how fast BCH transaction was with a small transaction fees on it.

This became possible because of the generous tippers here. What you gave was also given to more people. I want to earn some sats but also want to give more.

BCH is not only for one person, but it needs to spread to more and more people for them to know what BCH was.

Spread BCH to get more support... Let's go

Tips / Donations: bitcoincash:qz7rdaj4vrqjwrgkek7f2y2avp27llw0ty0gf8lxhf

Zapit username: chubschubs


Why would you give an ordinary thing as a birthday gift, if you can send some satoshis using Zapit wallet.

One user in tangled, my fellow Filipina is celebrating her birthday today. So as my simple gift to her, I ask her Zapit username, open my zapit wallet, and sent some satoshis. It's not much but I'm happy to share something.

Some of us give or received monetary gift, but have you try using BCH and send it to someone you know as a gift?

Sending Satoshis are easy with the help of different BCH wallet that you can download for free..

Zapit wallet:

Selene wallet: wallet:


Spread love with BCH 💕.

Tips / Donations: bitcoincash:qrd0g27ck4uhh6xcyn2zgw0e2m4sx7rjy56l3xyfer

Zapit username: chubschubs


Since today we are celebrating valentine's day, I decided to make it more special by including BCH into the celebration.

I created a little satoshis giveaway on Tangled where the first 5 users who will comment their BCH address will receive some sats. Unfortunately Zapit wallet on my part has some issue on using Zapit username upon sending sats. It shows invalid address, so I decided to get their BCH address instead and send the prize directly.

Good thing that BCH transaction is really fast and with low fees. It's nice to share some sats today as we celebrate the heart's day.

Thank you guys always for the support. Your tips on my posts are actually part of those giveaways I made. It's possible because of you.

Tips / Donation: bitcoincash:qr5ut68s32f0tz960sx4p3lujm0329w9ycl8h0ze2f


As part of my little BCH giveaway... I am planning to use BCH as a tip on some contents on tangled too... Or like creating a CashStamp and leaving it as a comment on their posts.

Still figuring it out on how we can promote BCH more and those different wallets like Selene or Zapit.

I can leave a CashStamp, but the problem is that, what if other users scan it and claim it before the owner of that one post? Since CashStamp is a one claim tip only, this is quite challenging. If through Zapit, I will be needing their username first in order to tip them using BCH... Let's see what will happen next .....

Tips / Donation bitcoincash:qpna8d237dnqygxnxyj68fys00q93zmhxqlzwthjcz


When I start joining different platforms and earning satoshis, my number goal is to have 1 BCH balance on my wallet... Seems impossible, I thought at first... But consistency is the key. Being active on those platforms and keep interacting to other users help me earn more satoshis.

Though I didn't achieve my goal yet to have 1 BCH. Then I saw a post about cauldron on memo. I started my journey there last March 16, 2024. Confusing at first, then I start accumulating my first cashtoken on faucet (the same day), that is $LOLLIPOP. The next day something big happened.. That token pump really high which makes me excited and nervous while seeing it's graph. That day, I earned my first 1 BCH.

That is one of my achievement in BCH community. It's a big help for me and my family actually. Different platforms like this also gives opportunity to different people not just to learn but also to earn. We have different needs and most of us really spent this BCH in our expenses. This helps us pay our bills or provide some of our needs.

So I will be forever thankful to all the platforms I joined to. And to those users who supports me until now. Thank you for helping me achieved this goal.

Tips / Donations: bitcoincash:qpna8d237dnqygxnxyj68fys00q93zmhxqlzwthjcz

Zapit username: chubschubs

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