I redeemed myself with a delicious "Irish stir-fry", so it's all good! 👍
I made quite a disgusting batch of soup. Not sure what I did wrong - my soups are usually pretty good - but I got it wrong with this one. Nearly finished it, then I'll try again.
I started a new conlang. The idea is to use sounds that require minimal movement of the mouth. It's already quite weird.
I might visit the slightly unhinged coffee van man at the market. He's quite switched on in a lot of ways, but he seems to have lived a difficult life and is struggling to carry the load somewhat. We have some interesting conversations, and he usually gives me a free coffee. Also there is a hotdog stand near him and I might get a hotdog.
My first email handle was poodlecruncher. It was referring to the harmonics shrieks my guitar made when I lightly touched the fret, and had the amp turned up. Got a few strange looks with that one.
Well, it's just a riff at this point. And my riffs tend to have sections, and I only have one section. Early days. If I make something worth sharing, I'll share.
I'm no artist but I scribbled this out. I think it's recognisable, and I'm happy with that.
I treat Chinese checkers with the same reverence and over-seriousness that chess players have towards chess. I'm not especially good at it, but I really enjoy it.
I don't agree with you throwing Hamas and IDF into the same category, but I appreciate your post because it helps me to understand the pro-IDF side better. So thanks.
I'm not in the USA but this trend is also happening in other countries. I guess USA feels it more because of the already punitive health system.
I've been thinking in recent times about pharmacies. 20 odd years ago, pharmacies used to deal with things too severe to put off, maybe not severe enough to see a doctor for. Now pharmacies are about "wellness" which is marketing crap to make more money. Middle aged woman feeling unwell? Cut your hair short and dye it 3 different colours. You'll look young and feel young! But they're still unwell and still have sore joints etc. Pretty depressing to think about.
I literally just signed up. I will try to do better in future.
Yine, by Kurban (Turkish band) https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=edxm5-boYGA&pp=ygULeWluZSBrdXJiYW4%3D