I'm getting the picture that governance is a great thing until you find out that other people want to govern you back.
It's probably good to situate in time when thinking about these things. The twin towers were how a lot of companies became examples of what location redundancy really means. These days people are keeping that lesson well in mind, but back then, not so much.
Well look if you no longer had a Silicon Valley executive's salary you might have opinions about that situation too.
Weird sort of wartime to be investing new dollars into Israel though I thought?
Oh wait right. https://bdsmovement.net/news/israel%E2%80%99s-most-important-source-capital-california
Weird, I thought that policies such as improving the uptake of asset-backed commercial paper(1), loosening restrictions on beneficial owner(2) anonymity in shell corporations(3), and even protecting network marketing(4) companies from innovation-unfriendly regulations would be far bigger vote getters than this.
I feel like I've already seen this talk but for cloud architecture.
Well, minimum 32 years, as presumably there would be some inbox time and drafting time on either end, misunderstandings and subsequent discussion being so critical to avert when followups take a while.
"We have an incident response capability ... (to) prevent Kraken from being used in (exactly) this way (that you all saw happen here)".
Sure you do.
Have an upvote.
I haven't paid that much attention to the software and platforms behind all this. Now that you mention it, yes, they are all products not underlying technologies. A bit like if somebody was a Zeus web server admin versus AOL web server admin without anybody being just a web server admin. Or like if somebody had to choose between Windows or Solaris without just considering operating systems.
Then again, what with all the compute and storage and ongoing development needed I'm not convinced that AI currently can be a gratis (free as in beer) thing in the same way that they just hand out web servers.
"This brought back memories of the crush and electrical injuries I've heard of when there's insufficient datacentre safety."
Of course originally at: https://octodon.social/@cwood/111055481742842480
I can't tell which of these profits are in actual currency and which are in fake money.