
joined 4 months ago
[–] da_peda 4 points 3 weeks ago


[–] da_peda 2 points 3 weeks ago (1 children)

Prime & Development waren AGs, da gelten sogar noch stärkere Kontrollpflichten für den Aufsichtsrat.

[–] da_peda 10 points 3 weeks ago

A lot harder to rm a whole directory vs a single file. And even then you can git init --bare a "remote" directory on the local machine that you push to to have a backup copy.


„Ich habe nie in meinem Leben eine Bilanz der Signa Holding gesehen“, sagte Gusenbauer. Dass es mit Signa zu Ende gehe, sei ihm erst bewusst geworden, als der Massekredit im Herbst 2023 nicht zusammenkam.

§30k GmbhG:

"Der Aufsichtsrat hat die Unterlagen gemäß § 222 Abs. 1 UGB [Jahresabschluss], […], zu prüfen und der Generalversammlung darüber zu berichten."

Hat der Gusi damit zugegeben dass er seine gesetzliche Aufsichtspflicht verletzt hat?

[–] da_peda 21 points 3 weeks ago (5 children)

git init .

git doesn't need Github, Gitlab, or even a server. It's designed to allow devs to cooperate via patches and PRs sent by email.

[–] da_peda 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)
[–] da_peda 2 points 2 months ago (1 children)

Wenn Gewinne erzielt werden, dann werden diese reinvestiert und nicht zuerst an Investoren ausgeschüttet.

Z.B. in Sprengstoff für den nächsten Gipfel der einer Seilbahn im Weg ist.

[–] da_peda 18 points 3 months ago (4 children)

I.e. this article from October: https://www.techradar.com/pro/chinese-hackers-allegedly-hit-us-wiretap-systems-to-hit-broadband-networks

In an all too predictable turn of events, Salt Typhoon, an infamous Chinese state actor, has reportedly hijacked government systems to breach several American broadband providers and gain access to the interception portals required by US law.

[–] da_peda 56 points 3 months ago (10 children)

They did. That's the reason for this hack, they wanted Lawful Interception, they got their backdoor. It's what professionals and privacy advocates said all along, if it exists it will be abused.

[–] da_peda 2 points 3 months ago

I love that you've switched over from Reddit to Lemmy for the original content. Feels like the start of creators recognizing that being on a centralized platform harvesting their content for free isn't the most sustainable option.


Cannabis is finally being decriminalized in more and more places around the world. And for very good reasons! Compared to other legal drugs such as alcohol, cannabis is pretty mild and most users enjoy it without issue. But there’s a dark side for some. So let’s take an honest look at some of the latest research together.


Alternative Title: "Bluesky pretty sure these leopards won't eat their face."

Who's coming to 38C3? (self.hackerspaces)
submitted 4 months ago by da_peda to c/hackerspaces

And if so, anyone up for a quick meetup over a Tschunk?