As a westerner, you are part of a class that subjugates the global south.
Nations of peoples and genders are definitely classes.
Genders are definitely not a class. Also not a nations. This is wild, where did you read it?
I mean you could at least feign reading what I wrote.
If one is not to consider nations as classes then what part of marxism would national liberation theory come from? What of Engel's Orgin of the Family with regards to gender (which has since been developed further)? Think about the consequences here if you do not think about them as classes.
This is not wild stuff. This is basic marxism. Otherwise you will end up with the likes of the ACP and Trots
You have now got a problem, either marxism-leninism as a science of political theory is inadequate or your understanding is incomplete (including what you quoted).
Let's take your Australian as example. Let's make him a white male factory worker. Could he, despite being a proleterian, subjugate women or non-whites? If he were to do so, does he do so as individual or as part of a class with systemic features that allows him to enact his power? What do we say is the first division of labor? What is the relationship of the proleteriat in the imperial cores with those from the peripheries? How would a liberal answer these questions? What do you make of Losurdo (or Sankara? Claudia Jones? Kollontai? Fonesca? Fanon? Rodney?)
These aren't gotchas. And I'm side-stepping your condescension in attempt to answer in good faith but my patience is thin. (It's fine not to know and explore. It is not fine to confidently double down on ignorance, which is the impression you are giving off)
Would you be happy for me to use your responses and turn it into a post? I'm sure you are not the only one who thinks like this.