This always happens. The first pre-release screenshots are the ones with the most views so tend to appear at the top of Google searches. Guaranteeing them to be used in most news stories for years to come. Which gives them more views. Which gives them a higher Google rank. Etc...
I think the way tags work is that steam shows the most commonly used tags. But you can still add your own. If enough people add a dwarf tag then eventually it'll start appearing as an option for other people.
I had all my best ideas stareing out of the window on long train or bus journeys. These days I'm constantly "entertained" by my phone so it's much harder to get into the same state of mind.
It's not unusual to have multiple power cuts a day in Lagos. Anyone who can afford it has a generator
The key difference between introverts and extroverts is that for introverts social interactions drain our mental energy while extroverts are energized by interactions.
The infinite sum of all the natural numbers 1+2+3+... is a divergent series. But it can also be shown to be equivalent to -1/12. This result is actually used in quantum field theory.
This seems like a good page to keep track of the replication attempts.
When I'm learning a new language I like to try and solve problems from sites like or I find this gives my learning more of a focus. After you've done a few of these you should have enough confidence to attempt your own projects