
joined 1 week ago

Remember that your last place of residence in the US determines your voting residence while living abroad. If possible, move to a swing state (preferably with low population, and preferably in a swing district for local elections, too) long enough to establish residency before moving abroad. Plan ahead now and maximize the impact of your vote in the long run. Also register as a republican so you can vote in republican primaries (to vote for anyone who isn’t Trump), as well as making gerrymandering harder.

[–] 6 points 4 days ago (1 children)

That’s correct. You’d have to be earning way, WAY over the average Swedish salary before you start owing the IRS anything. That said, I wouldn’t put it past Trump to remove the foreign earned income exclusion to coerce people into moving back to the US as part of the ”trade war” nonsense.

As long as you get accepted into the school, and as long as you meet the basic requirements like having enough money to support yourself and stuff there generally shouldn’t be a problem getting the visa approved. But the processing time is a killer. I’ve seen Migrationsverket take so long to process the visas that several students had to start their masters program a couple months late. The university did allow them to start late, but they really really struggled getting caught up and quite frankly the school shouldn’t have allowed it because there was really no chance of them succeeding in the program because of it (this was prior to Covid and there was no remote option for any of the coursework). Those students were really screwed over and would have been better off deferring enrollment until the next year. But the department was desperately lacking funding and needed to get as many people enrolled as possible. So they were maybe a bit dishonest about how much of a challenge it would be to get caught up.

Anyways, submit the visa application as early as you possibly can and hope the Migrationsverket processes the application quickly. Otherwise you’re at the mercy of your school and whether they’ll be willing to let you start late. Im assuming post-Covid you’d be able to attend classes remotely, so at least you wouldn’t have the issue of falling too far behind and flunking out…

At least it’s a temporary constitution. Hopefully when they create the permanent one they’ll take into account the country’s minority populations and go with something that works for everyone regardless of their religion.

It’s interesting that the US is dealing with the same issue with asylum seekers as Europe. Like, they mentioned that one of the asylum seekers was from Iran and felt her life was in danger because she had converted to Christianity. Fair, she can seek asylum on those grounds. But then it explains that she went through Mexico to reach the US. Mexico doesn’t persecute Christians, so her life wasn’t in danger there. Why didn’t she claim asylum there rather than continuing to the US. When asylum seekers cherry pick their destination like that it makes it so that a few countries take on the lion’s share of the burden of caring for asylum seekers and builds resentment. Sending them to Panama isn’t the right response, obviously. But if the wider global community doesn’t find a solution to this problem and stop asylum seekers from passing through multiple safe countries before claiming asylum, that resentment is going to feed right wing politics who then try and pull bs like this.