Technically they get you for 'sharing' as downloading is legal in most places, but I get what you mean.
Pffffft, the rest of you lot knew what was at stake, the lazy twats who couldn't be bothered to save their own nation by exercising their RIGHT to vote aren't off the hook. I've literally started to cringe when hearing Americans in public (I live in the UK) because in my mind subconsciously there's a high chance that person is dumb as fuck.
I'm gonna take a wild guess and assume this graph was created by a GenZ'er as they are the only people in the world who don't consider GenZ'ers cringe.
Are you doing this for attention or are you actually that much of a fucking tool?
When people start getting banned for anti-billionaire statements you're bound to have an exodus of people who were there for this message being spread in the first place. I just hope this place does a better job dealing with bots.
They can fuck off, I remember why I quit that site in the first place
Saw it in my feed btw
Or the fuckers decide that your tier can now only play in 720p or some shit and you have to shell out a fiver more. And repeat it in 3 years.
And you know that how? Maybe they're affected more than you and this is for their mental sanity? Either way, block lists exist for a reason.
Yeah fuck that guy for being born early enough to be able to buy an $80k house via mortgage
If they actually call Elon out for being a nazi and shout from the rooftops about him owning 0 shares then I'll consider not laughing at swastikars in public